![]() | International Workshop on Interdisciplinary Decision Making ![]() December 6-7, 2004 Melbourne, Australia | ![]() |
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Title From Planning to Execution: The Ever-Shrinking Optimization Time Horizon Speaker Bob Bixby
Rice University and ILOG, USAAbstract The traditional domain of optimization in practice has been planning, often longer-term planning, with a focus on what-if and scenario analysis. Data in such applications is inevitably aggregated, and the decisions that emerge are usually not explicitly followed, but serve only as guidelines. That landscape is changing. Huge improvements in our ability to solvelinear and mixed-integer programs along with improved data access and automated business processes are making optimization tools a more central part of the management of the modern enterprise.Increasingly, optimization solutions are being applied to corebusiness problems at the operational level, providing real-timesolutions to more detailed models. Title Using commercial codes to solve cutting stock problems Speaker Bob Johnston
The University of Melbourne, Monash University, AustraliaAbstract The success of column generation techniques in trim minimisation, has generally led practitioners to write specific codes for these problems. However if solutions are sought to minimise cutting patterns or to produce production-sequenced cutting plans, column generation is extremely problematical and recent research has concentrated on mixed integer programming models, solved by commercial codes such as CPLEX, LINGO. This paper summarises some alternative approaches and discusses their computational performance. Title Recreational Optimization Speaker Moshe Sniedovich
The University of Melbourne, AustraliaAbstract Games and puzzles have long been the subject of formal and informal investigations by professional mathematicians and hobbyists. New technologies make it increasingly easier to implement games and puzzles electronically and to interact with them in a user-friendly manner via the internet, game stations and cell phones.
Understandably, there is a growing interest in the development and solution of games and puzzles and not surprisingly they are becoming Big Business. The question naturally arises: what is the role of optimization in this exciting area of e-business?
In this presentation we address this question and explain why optimization plays a central role in this relatively new sector of the global economy. The good news is that not only are there abundant opportunities but also many challenges. That is, this business is not only about making a quick buck by implementing existing results in optimization theory in the framework of electronic games and puzzles. It is also very much about developing new optimization tools for the modeling, analysis and solution of old and new difficult optimization problems.
Title Understanding Best Approaches for Your Optimization Needs Speaker Irv Lustig
ILOG, USAAbstract Maximize your knowledge and application of ILOG optimizationtechnologies by attending a comprehensive workshop that will provide a series of technical tutorials spanning ILOG's optimization technologies. This workshop will help you understand best approaches for specificoptimization application objectives, requirements and developmentenvironments. Share experiences and discuss ILOG technologies with other OR practitioners, researchers and instructors.
The workshop is free and open to anyone with an interest in learning more about the latest optimization technology. Workshop take-away materials will be provided.
Title Open Pit Mining Schedule Speaker Gary Froyland
University of New South Wales, AustraliaAbstract In today's competitive environment, resource companies arelooking to use the latest technology to run their mining operations ever more efficiently. One area that will potentially deliver additional profit "for free" is the scheduling of the removal and treatment of material from the mine. By simply excavating and processing material in a different order, the operation may save or delay costs and bring forward revenues. I will describe the problem of maximising the Net Present Value of an open pit mining project and solution approaches using integer programming. Title Introduction to ILOG CPLEX Speaker Irv Lustig
ILOG, USAAbstract ILOG CPLEX is the fastest available optimizer for solving linear, mixedinteger, quadratic and mixed integer quadratic programs. ILOG CPLEXincludes the ILOG CPLEX Callable Library and ILOG Concert Technology to make it easy to embed the powerful ILOG CPLEX algorithms in your application. Learn about all the features of ILOG CPLEX that have made it the industry standard. Title ILOG CPLEX Advanced Performance Tuning Speaker Irv Lustig
ILOG, USAAbstract This presentation will provide insight and recommendations on specific cases where advanced ILOG CPLEX performance tuning can yield dramatic results. Most optimizations that use ILOG CPLEX default settings yield fast, robust results without any user intervention. There are limited cases where algorithm default choice, available memory, or machine precision can affect performance and consume significant amounts of time in the application development or testing processes. This session will discuss preparatory and development recommendations to address these situations to yield dramatic time savings in application development and deployment. Title Methods for Embedding ILOG CPLEX Speaker Irv Lustig
ILOG, USAAbstract Get an overview of the various methods for embedding ILOG CPLEXalgorithms. Learn which approach is best suited for your specificoptimization application development needs: ILOG CPLEX Callable Library, ILOG Concert Technology and ILOG OPL Studio. Understand the tradeoffs and benefits of each solution and get recommendations for specific application types. Jump-start your optimization application planning and development to really help you get the most out of your optimization application. Title Global Optimization: Software Development and Applications Speaker Janos D. Pinter
PCS Inc., CanadaAbstract Global optimization (GO) is aimed at finding the 'absolutely best' solution in nonlinear decision models that may have an unknown number of local optima. Finding such solutions numerically requires non-traditional, global scope search algorithms. For over a decade, we have developed GO software implementations: the current platforms include compilers (C, Fortran), Excel, the GAMS modeling language, and the scientific/technical computing platforms Mathematica, Matlab (Tomlab), and Maple. The presentation includes 'live' demo examples, as well as a review of several scientific and engineering applications. Title Three Industrial Transportation Problems Solved with Constraint Logic Programming Speaker Mark Wallace
Monash University, AustraliaAbstract Constraint programming offers a toolbox of problem-solving techniques that enables us to separate problem definition from problem solving, and to experiment with the best mixture of techniques for the problem at hand. This is very usefulfor (typical) applications where the business problem and process changes, even while the solution is under development. We discuss three applications - in logistics, transport scheduling, and emergency dispatch - and show how they were solved using a rapid application development methodology that goes hand-in-hand with constraint logic programming. Title Software Enginnering for Operations research and Optimization Speaker Leon Sterling
University of Melbourne, AustraliaAbstract To build intelligent software that can be maintained over time requires an appreciation of Software Engineering process. This talk will discuss how engineering trade-offs between different intelligent decision making methods can be incorporated in a rigorous process. The talk will draw on research into software engineering processes for neural networks and agent technology. The talk will also discuss experience relating logic programming and operations research in the context of menu planning. Title ORPIM: The OR Practitioner's Impact Mindset Speaker Mohan Krishnamoorthy
CSIRO, AustraliaAbstract In this talk, the presenter, who has had over 12 years experience as an OR Practitioner, talks about his experience with applying Operations Research in industry. He will draw on nearly 20 different experiences of applied OR that theCSIRO has undertaken, to sketch a dos-and-donts of applying OR in Australian industry. The emphais is on working towards, measuring and demonstrating commercial impact. Case studieswill be drawn from industries and sectors such as mining, manufacturing, supply chain, logistics, airline, tourism, wine/viticulture and transport.