![]() | ![]() | International Workshop on Interdisciplinary Decision Making ![]() December 6-7, 2004 Melbourne, Australia | ![]() |
Welcome | News | Important dates | Program | Registration | Hotels | Venue | Contact | Sponsors | FAQs |
Monday, December 6, 2004:
Time Activity Speaker 8:30 Registration 9:00 Welcome 9:15 Keynote Lecture
From Planning to Execution:
The Ever-Shrinking Optimization Time HorizonBob Bixby 10:15 Software Engineering for Operations Research and Optimization Leon Sterling 11:15 Tea Break 11:45 Recreational Optimization Moshe Sniedovich 12:45 Lunch ILOG Workshop I
GUnderstanding Best Approaches for Your Optimization Needs
Maximize your knowledge and application of ILOG optimization technologies by attending a comprehensive workshop that will provide a series of technical tutorials spanning ILOG's optimization technologies.This workshop will help you understand best approaches for specificoptimization application objectives, requirements and developmentenvironments. Share experiences and discuss ILOG technologies withother OR practitioners, researchers and instructors.
Workshop take-away materials will be provided.
13:45 Sign in and Greeting Pamela Wright 14:00 Welcome and Introduction Pamela Wright 14:15 Introduction to ILOG CPLEX Irv Lustig 15:00 Methods for Embedding ILOG CPLEX Irv Lustig 15:45 Tea Break 16:00 ILOG CPLEX Advanced Performance Tuning Irv Lustig 16:45 ILOG Optimization Customer Case Study Gary Froyland 17:15 Workshop Summary and Next Steps
plus Teaser Introduction of New TechnologyIrv Lustig 17:30
19:00Reception Tuesday, December 7, 2004 Time Activity Speaker 9:00 Using commercial codes to solve cutting stock problems Bob Johnston 10:00 Solving Logistic and Scheduling Problems via Constraint Programming Mark Wallace 11:00 Tea Break 11:30 Panel Discussion on
Education and Training in OR and Optimization12:30 Lunch 14:00 Global Optimization: Software Development and Applications Janos Pinter CSIRO Workshop C
O15:00 ORPIM: The OR Practitioner's Impact Mindset Mohan Krishnamoorthy 16:00 Tea Break 16:30 Panel Discussion on
Practising Optimization and OR in Australia17:15
19:00Reception This workshop is organized by the Melbourne Chapter of the Australian Society for Operations Research (ASOR) and will be held on the campus of the University of Melbourne.
The workshop is intended to provide a meeting forum for OR/MS oriented delegates of other important conferences to be held in Australia in Dec 2004 (and a conference in New Zealand in November!) :
- November 28 -29, 2004, Annual ORSNZ Conference
Auckland, New Zealand
www.orsnz.org.nz/conf- December 6-8, 2004, International Conference on Mathematical Inequalities and their Applications, I
Melbourne, Australia
rgmia.vu.edu.au/conference- December 9-11, 2004, The Sixth International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications (ICOTA 6)
Ballarat (120 km from Melbourne), Australia
www.ballarat.edu.au/icota/- December 12-14, 2004, Second Australian-China workshop on Optimization
Ballarat (120km from Melbourne), Australia
(website not ready yet)- December 12-15, 2004,Fifth Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2004)
Gold Coast, Australia
www.maths.qut.edu.au/apiems2004- December 12-15, 2004, World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling
Melbourne, Australia
www.ma.rmit.edu.au/2004RMAconference/- December 13-14, 2004, The First International Workshop on Intelligent Finance (IWIF 1)
Melbourne, Australia
www.iwif.org- December 13-17, 2004, Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP 04)
Melbourne, Australia
www.issnip.orgEvery effort will be made to coordinate the activities of the workshop with the programs of these conferences.
The plan is to allow delegates plenty of time and opportunities for informal discussions and professional networking. Thus, the technical program of the workshop will consist solely of invited plenary lectures, each followed by a panel discussion.
This forum will enable you to meet OR/MS analysts from Australia and the Asia Pacific region, and to obtain first-hand information on OR/MS activities in this part of the world. Indeed, one of the main objectives of this workshop is to strengthen the ties between OR/MS professionals in the Asia Pacific region.
Given the interdisciplinary nature of OR/MS and its strong links to other fields such as applied mathematics, computer science, and engineering, this workshop should be of interest also to delegates of the above mentioned conferences who are not fully-fledged OR/MS professionals.
Needless to say, although the workshop was designed specifically with delegates of these conferences in mind, registration to the workshop is open to the public. That is, you do not have to participate in any of these conferences in order to register to the workshop.
Welcome | News | Important dates | Program | Registration | Hotels | Venue | Contact | FAQs |