Electronic ASOR Bulletin
Volume 23
Number 2
June 2004
Published by: The Australian Society for Operations
Research Inc.
ISSN 1446-6678
Dr M K Rahman of UWA has contributed a technical
paper on A Direct-Search Optimization Algorithm for Complex Design Problems,
and we are delighted to be publishing it here for Bulletin readers. A number
of conferences on OR and OR related topics will be held in Australia this
year. We encourage ASOR members to submit papers and actively participate
in these conferences. The details of these conferences can be found in the
‘Forthcoming Conferences’ section.
I am pleased to inform you that the electronic version
of ASOR Bulletin is now available at this web site. Although the electronic version is prepared as an HTML
file, for technical reasons articles may be in PDF or PS format.
Address for sending contributions to the ASOR Bulletin:
Ruhul A Sarker
Editor, ASOR Bulletin
School of Information Technology
and Electrical Engineering
The University of NSW at the Australian
Defence Force Academy
Northcott Drive, Canberra 2600
Email: ruhul@cs.adfa.edu.au
Emma Hunt
Associate Editor, ASOR Bulletin
DSTO, PO Box 1500
Edinburgh 5111
Email: Emma.Hunt@dsto.defence.gov.au
A Direct-Search
Optimization Algorithm for Complex Design Problems
M. Khalilur Rahman
School of Oil & Gas Engineering, UWA, Perth,
(Email: krahman@cyllene.uwa.edu.au)
This paper presents a direct-search algorithm for
design optimization of engineering problems having mixed variables (continuous,
discrete and integer); nonlinear, non-differential and discontinuous design
constraints and conflicting multiobjective functions. The intelligent movement
of objects (vertices and compounds) is simulated in the algorithm based on
Nelder-Mead simplex with added features to handle variable types, bound and
design constraints, local optima, search initiation from an infeasible region
and numerical instability, which are common requirements for large-scale,
complex optimization problems. The algorithm is called INTEMOB (INTElligent
Moving OBjects) and tested for a wide range of algebraic problems, simple
engineering design problems and large-scale, complex engineering problems.
Validation results for several examples, which are manageable within the
scope of this paper, are presented herein, and references are provided for
large-scale problems that were solved by INTEMOB.
Conferences in Australasia
International Symposium on Forecasting, Sydney, Australia, 4-7 July 2004
ISF2004 is to be held in Sydney, Australia on July 4-7, 2004. It is the
first time it has been held in Australia. Keynote and featured speakers include
Stephen Brown (Stern Business School, NYU), Derek Bunn (London Business
School), Clive Granger (UCSD), Andrew Harvey (Cambridge), Nigel Harvey
(University College London), Warwick McKibbin (ANU), and Martin Parkinson
(Australian Treasury).
Panel sessions at previous conferences have proved to be very popular.
We would like to continue the tradition by running some in Sydney. If you
are interested in organising one, please contact either Ralph Snyder
(ralph.snyder@buseco.monash.edu.au) or Rob Hyndman
(rob.hyndman@buseco.monash.edu.au) with a proposal that includes details
such as topic, possible panellists, etc.
AWOCA 2004
15th Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms
Ballina Beach Resort, Ballina, NSW
July 7-9, 2004
The Fifteenth Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (AWOCA 2004)
will be held at Ballina Beach Resort, NSW, Australia, during July 7-9, 2004.
Ballina is about a six-hour drive north from Sydney, and a four-hour drive
south from Brisbane. The workshop will follow the style of its predecessors:
problem-oriented papers and an emphasis on informal discussions.
Special Note: The year 2004 marks the 60th birthday of Professor Jennifer
Seberry. The workshop will celebrate her vast contribution to combinatorics,
combinatorial algorithms, computer security, and a wide variety of other
topics in Mathematics and Computer Science. Especially welcome at AWOCA 2004
are papers from her academic descendents, and papers related to her research.
The early bird deadline for registration is June 11, 2004 (registration
form and payment should be received by this date before 4:00pm Sydney time).
For registration enquiries, contact: awoca2004-at-nicta.com.au
Invited Speakers: The following speakers will give invited talks:
• Ljiljana Brankovic, University of Newcastle, Australia:
Mathematics of Privacy
• Xuemin Lin, University of New South Wales, Australia:
Quantile Summaries over a Sliding Window
• Hugo A D do Nascimento, Universidade Federal de Goiás,
Brasil: Interactive Optimisation
• Prof. Jennifer Seberry (University of Wollongong) will
give a post-dinner speech entitled My Research Adventures on Thursday, July
8 (at the conference dinner).
International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control
and Automation, Gold Coast, Australia. 12-14 July 2004
The International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling,
Control and Automation CIMCA2004 provides a medium for the exchange of ideas
between theoreticians and practitioners to address the important issues in
computational intelligence, modelling, control and automation.
The conference will consist of both plenary sessions and contributory sessions,
focusing on theory, implementation and applications of computational intelligence
techniques to modelling, control and automation.
Important dates
• 14 March 2004 Submission of draft papers
• 30 April 2004 Notification of acceptance
• 21 May 2004 Submission of camera-ready of accepted papers
• 12-14 July 2004 Conference sessions
Paper Submission
Papers will be selected based on their originality, significance, correctness,
and clarity of presentation. The draft papers (4 pages or more) should be
submitted to the following e-mail or postal address: E-mail submission of
draft papers: cimca@ise.canberra.edu.au
Postal Submission of draft papers: CIMCA'2004 Secretariat School
of Computing & University of Canberra ACT, Canberra, 2614, Australia.
Draft papers should present original work, which has not been published or
being reviewed for other conferences. Papers should be written in English.
The name and affiliation of authors should be omitted on the paper. A separate
page must be included with each extended abstract paper, containing, the names,
affiliations, postal address and e-mail addresses of authors as well as the
address of contact author. All submissions undergo blind review by up to
three referees. E-mail submission of draft papers are encouraged.
CTAC 2004
The 12th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference and
Workshops, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, September 27 - October
1, 2004
Contributed papers are currently being sought in the areas of computational
mathematics; development and application of numerical algorithms; numerical
modelling of scientific, technical and industrial applications; high performance
computing; and other aspects of the computational sciences for presentation
at the conference.
Immediately following the three days (27-29 September) of invited and contributed
presentations there will be two days of workshops (September 30 - October
1). The topics for the CTAC 2004 workshops and contact information for their
respective conveners are:
• Complex Fluids - Malcolm Davidson
• Dispersed multiphase flows - Jiyuan Tu
• High performance computing - Bill Appelbe
• Molecular simulation - Steve Carnie
A refereed proceedings will be published after the conference in the Electronic
Supplement of the ANZIAM Journal (http://anziamj.austms.org.au/). Acceptance
of papers for inclusion in the proceedings will be determined by peer review.
Important Dates:
Abstracts due: May 31, 2004
Complete paper: Sept. 13, 2004
Conference Sept.
27 - 29, 2004
Sept. 30 & Oct. 1, 2004
Final paper due Nov. 1, 2004
Early registration June 30 2004
Further information, including registration information, the registration
form, and information on submitting abstracts, etc. is available from the
conference website:
If you have any questions regarding CTAC 2004, please contact: Conference
Management, Old Physics Building, The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 8344 6389 Fax: +61 3 8344 6122
Email: ctac-2004@unimelb.edu.au
39th Annual ORSNZ Conference
University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
November 28-29, 2004
Contact Details
Post: ORSNZ Conference, Department of Engineering Science, University
of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland New Zealand
Fax: +64 9 373 7468
Attn: ORSNZ Conference
Email: conference@orsnz.org.nz
The 17th Australian Computer Society (ACS) Australian Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, Cairns Convention Centre, Cairns, 6-10 December 2004
This series of conferences attracts leading researchers and practitioners
from Australia and overseas, and focuses on all aspects of artificial intelligence.
Theory and technology presented at AI'2004 will be of interest to researchers
and practitioners who want to know about both theoretical advances and the
latest applied developments in Artificial Intelligence.
AI'2004 seeks original research and application papers for peer review publication
in any area of Artificial Intelligence.
Important Dates:
Submission: 1st July 2004 (full paper)
Acceptance: 15th August 2004
Final Submission: 15th September 2004
This conference will be run in conjunction with Complex'2004, the 7th Australian
National Conference on Complex Systems. For details please refer to the home
page http://complex2004.cqu.edu.au
For further details, please contact: AI2004 Conference Secretariat, Faculty
of Informatics and Communication, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton
Queensland 4702 Australia
Tel: +61 749232145 Fax: +61 749309729 Email: secretariat-ai2004@cqu.edu.au
ICOTA 2004
Sixth International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications,
Ballarat, Victoria, December 9 - 11, 2004.
The International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications
(ICOTA) is an official conference series for POP (The Pacific Optimization
Research Activity Group). The goal of ICOTA is to provide an international
forum for scientists, researchers, software developers, and practitioners
to exchange ideas and approaches, to present research findings and state-of-the-art
solutions, to share experiences on potentials and limits, and to open new
avenues of research and developments, on all issues and topics related to
Papers on issues related to optimization are welcome. Topics include (but
not limited to) those in the following tracks:
• Optimization theory
• Algorithms design, analysis and implementation
• Applications in different fields
Proposals for special sessions/clusters focusing on specific topics are
also welcome.
The refereed Proceedings of ICOTA6 will include all papers accepted for
the conference and will appear on CD-Rom before the conference. Selected
papers will be published in special issues of international journals including:
• Optimization Methods and Software
• Computational Optimization and Applications
and a book which will appear in the series Applied Optimization (Kluwer
Academic Publishers).
6th Australian Conference on Knowledge Management
and Intelligent Decision Support
Monash University, Melbourne, December 11-12, 2003.
This year the conference theme is: "Managing Knowledge with Technology"
The conference intends to explore the role of ICT in knowledge management
and in particular open the discussion on if and/or how innovative application
of ICT can contribute to implementing knowledge management strategies.
Authors are invited to submit research papers as well as application examples
representing original, previously unpublished work.
Review Procedures: All submitted papers will be blind peer reviewed
by at least two members of the International Program Committee. The review
criteria are based on originality, rigor, and relevance of content. No paper,
which has been previously accepted, published, or presented at another meeting,
or submitted for review else where may be submitted. Accepted papers will
appear as a monograph with an ISBN number and published by Australian Scholars
Full details including submission formats available at:
The Fifth Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference
& The Seventh Asia-Pacific Division Meeting of the International Foundation
of Production Research, ANA Hotel, Gold Coast, Australia, December 12-15,
Aim and Scope: The objective of this conference is to provide a forum
for the exchange of ideas on the latest developments in Industrial Engineering
and Management Systems and to seek opportunities for collaboration among
the participants.
Call for Invited Sessions: Authors are encouraged to organise a session
in topics relevant to the conference. Interested session organisers
are requested to submit a proposal, including the title of the session,
titles of articles, a list of participating authors and their affiliation,
by Monday 1 March 2004 to the conference secretary.
Call for Contributed Papers: Scholars are invited to send in their contributions.
Papers will be selected based on their originality, timeliness, significance,
relevance and clarity of presentation. Camera-ready manuscripts are required
after the conference committee accepts abstracts.
Abstract Submission Instructions: Either post or e-mail submission is
acceptable. Electronic submission should be in MS WORD format and submitted
to the conference secretary by
World Wide Web: On-line submission/ conference homepage: http://www.maths.qut.edu.au/apiems2004
E-mail: apiems2004@fsc.qut.edu.au
Mail: APIEMS2004, c/- School of Mathematical Sciences, Queensland
University of Technology, GPO Box 2434 Brisbane Qld 4001, Australia
International Conferences
: Tenth Conference on Integer Programming
and Combinatorial Optimization, Columbia University, New York City, USA,
June 9-11, 2004.
: SIAM Conference on Discrete
Mathematics, Nashville, TN, USA, June 13-16, 2004.
Practical Optimization Workshop
, Brunel
University, Uxbridge, Middlesex, United Kingdom, June 20, 2004.
APMOD 2004
: Applied Mathematical
Programming and Modelling, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex, United
Kingdom, June 21-23, 2004.
HPOPT 2004:
8th International Workshop
on High Performance Optimization Techniques: Optimization and Polynomials,
CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 23-25, 2004.
The International Workshop on Large Scale Nonlinear
, Erice, Italy, June 22-July 1, 2004.
: Modelling, Computation and Optimization
in Information Systems and Management Sciences, July 1-3, 2004, Metz, France
: 20th European Conference
on Operational Research, Rhodes, Greece, July 4-7, 2004.
: Discrete Optimization
Methods in Production and Logistics, 2004, Omsk-Irkutsk, Russia, July 20-27.
: 4th Annual McMaster Optimization
Conference: Theory and Applications, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada, July 28 - July 30, 2004.
: First International Conference
on Continuous Optimization, Troy, New York, USA, August 2-4, 2004.
: International Conference
on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and Technology 2004, Kota Kinabalu,
Malaysia, August 3-5, 2004.
MCDM 2004
: 17th International Conference
on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada,
August 6-11, 2004.
MSO 2004
: The 4th IASTED International
Conference on Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization, Kauai, Hawaii, USA,
August 17-19, 2004.
: 10th Annual International
Computing and Combinatorics Conference, Jeju Island, Korea, August 17-20,
7th International
Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
and 8th International Workshop on Randomization and Computation, Harvard
University, Cambridge, MA, USA, August 22-24, 2004.
MAO 2004
: 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary
Analysis and Optimization Conference, Albany, New York, USA, August 30 -
September 1, 2004.
Congress of OR 2004:
Conference on Operations Research, 2004, Tilburg University, The Netherlands,
September 1-3, 2004.
8th International Workshop
on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electrical Engineering, Grenoble,
France, September 6-8, 2004.
4th WSEAS International
Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Optimization, Izmir, Turkey, September
14-16, 2004.
French-German-Spanish Conference on Optimization,
Avignon, France, September 20-24, 2004.
MUDSM 2004
: 15th Mini-EURO
Conference: Managing Uncertainty in Decision Support Models, Coimbra,
Portugal, September 22-24, 2004.
: XIII Panamerican Conference
of Transportation, Albany, New York, USA, September 26-29, 2004.
: Tenth International Conference
on Stochastic Programming, Tucson, Arizona, October 11-15, 2004.
: Fifth Int. Conf. on Operations
and Quantitative Management, Hanyang University, Seoul, S. Korea, October
25-27, 2004.
The Vescprem Optimization
Conference: Advanced Algorithms, Veszprem, Hungary, December 13-15, 2004.
: 17th Triennial
Conference of the International Federation of Operations Research Society
Hosted by INFORMS, Hilton Hawaiian Beach Resort & Spa, Honolulu, Hawaii,
July 11-15, 2005
To the Top
Compiled by
Emma Hunt
Spreadsheet Modeling and Applications - Essentials
of Practical Management Science
1st Edition
S. Christian Albright, Indiana University
Wayne Winston, Indiana University, Kelley School of Business
Chris Albright and Wayne Winston have brought their hallmark teach-by-example
approach to the undergraduate spreadsheet modelling course. Renowned for
their other successful texts in operations research/management science, Winston
and Albright successfully show how spreadsheets are used in real life to
model and analyse real business problems. By modelling problems using spreadsheets
from the outset, Spreadsheet Modeling and Applications prepares future managers
for the types of problems they will encounter on the job. Real cases throughout
the text further cement this book's status as the most relevant of its kind
on the market. This text is also accompanied by Palisade Corporation's professional
spreadsheet add-ins, DecisionTools® Suite.
Excel solutions are available to qualified instructors for all of the problems.
These are accompanied by “shells” of all of the solutions that get students
started. In addition, a generic grading macro is available.
Duxbury Press
Paper Bound, ISBN 0534380328, April 2004, 600 pages, 8 X 10 USD 93.95
Handbook of Human Systems Integration
Edited by
Harold R. Booher
Human systems integration (HIS) is rapidl y emerging as a new discipline
designed to migrate business and engineering cultures toward a more people-technology
orientation. Over the past decade, the United States and foreign governments
have developed a wide range of tools, techniques and technologies aimed at
integrating human factors into engineering systems in order to utilize the
significant cost and performance benefits. In order for this new discipline
to be effective, a cultural shift must be initiated among organizational
Handbook of Human Systems Integration offers the principles and methods that
can be employed to integrate people, technology and organization with a common
objective toward designing, developing and operating systems effectively
and efficiently. Addressing both the public and commercial process as they
interface with systems engineering processes, this guide emphasises the importance
of management and organization concepts, as well as the technical uniqueness
of HIS. Incorporating contributions from more than 90 technical advisors
and reviewers from government, industry and academia, the book also includes
information provided by the US Department of Defense, the US Federal Aviation
Administration and the US National Academy of Sciences.
The book will be of particular interest to HIS practitioners, systems engineers
managers, as well as government and industry decision-makers who must
weigh the recommendations of all multidisciplines contributing to systems
performance, safety and costs in order to reach sound systems acquisitions
John Wiley & Sons
Hardcover, ISBN: 0-471-02053-2, June 2003, 964 pages, USD 125.00
Fuzzy Logic in Management
Christer Carlsson, IAMSR, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Mario Fedrizzi, Dept. of Computer and Management Sciences, University of
Trento, Italy
Robert Fullér, Dept. of Operations Research, Eőtvős Loránd
University, Budapest, Hungary
Kluwer Book Series: International Series in Operations Research and
Management Science (Volume 66)
Fuzzy Logic In Management demonstrates that difficult problems and changes
in the management environment can be more easily handled by bringing fuzzy
logic into the practice of management. This explicit theme is developed through
the book.
Implicitly the book develops themes that successful companies should use
to (1) master effectiveness and quality in both the details and the whole,
(2) build on and work with flexibility, and (3) support continuous learning
in both the organizational and the individual level.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston,
Hardbound, ISBN 1-4020-7695-9, December 2003, 296 pages, EUR 116.00 /
USD 129.00 / GBP 80.00
4th Party Cyber Logistics for Air Cargo
Sung-Chi Chu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, PR of China
Lawrence C. Leung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, PR of China
Yer Van Hui, City University of Hong Kong, PR of China
Waiman Cheung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, PR of China
Kluwer Book Series: International Series in Operations Research and
Management Science (Volume 73)
4th Party Cyber Logistics For Air Cargo is a technical discussion for researchers
and practitioners to understand the issues, models, and future directions
of air cargo logistics in the cyber era. This book introduces the many aspects
of planning and control of air cargo logistics processes in an e-Business
environment. The authors approach this subject matter from the perspective
of the logistics service providers. There is tremendous potential for achieving
industry-wide collaboration between agents of the air cargo industry via
an e-Business community platform. At the same time, there are many intellectually
challenging problems regarding the architecture, ownership, decision support
environment, and knowledge management of such an e-Business platform.
The authors provide an evolutionary view to conceptualise the developments
of websites where e-Commerce activities and e-Business activities co-exist.
Four Web eras are detailed, providing an impetus for the development of frameworks
of an e-Business platform for air cargo logistics, or e-Platform. The conceptual
framework captures the new elements in cyber logistics and what the framework
can do for the industry. The 4th party e-Platform from the stakeholders'
point of view is illustrated using the ANP and AHP models, highlighting the
intrinsic relationships. Technical design issues for an e-Platform are also
discussed in order to gain an understanding of how current and emerging technologies
will help shape this e-Platform in the Web-based environment, and finally,
the e-Platform also brings two new issues into perspective: decision support
and knowledge management in cyber logistics.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston,
Hardbound, ISBN 1-4020-7800-5, April 2004, 176 pages, EUR 105.00 /
USD 115.00 / GBP 73.00, eBook, ISBN 1-4020-7801-3, April 2004, EUR
105.00 / USD 115.00 / GBP 73.00
Multiobjective Optimization: Principles and Case
Yann Collette, Faculté des Sciences et de Technologie, LERISS, Université
de Paris XII Val-de-Marne
Patrick Siarry, Faculté des Sciences et de Technologie, LERISS, Université
de Paris XII Val-de-Marne
Springer-Verlag Book Series: Decision Engineering
From whatever domain they come, engineers are faced daily with optimisation
problems that require conflicting objectives to be met. This monograph presents
several multiobjective optimisation methods accompanied by many analytical
examples. Each method or definition is clarified, when possible, with an
illustration. Multiobjective Optimization treats not only engineering problems,
e.g. in mechanics, but also problems arising in operations research and management.
It explains how to choose the most suitable method to solve a given problem
and uses three primary application examples: optimisation of the numerical
simulation of an industrial process; sizing of a telecommunication network;
and decision-aid tools for the sorting of bids.
Hardcover, ISBN 3-540-40182-2 , 1st ed. 2003. Corr 2nd
printing, 2004, X, 317 pages, 89.95 USD
Handbook on Data Envelopment Analysis
Edited by
William W. Cooper, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Lawrence M. Seiford, Dept. of Industrial & Operations Engineering, The
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Joe Zhu, Dept. of Management, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA, USA
Kluwer Book Series: International Series in Operations Research and Management
Science (Volume 71)
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) has grown into a powerful quantitative, analytical
tool for measuring and evaluating performance. It has been successfully applied
to a host of different entities engaged in a wide variety of activities in
many contexts worldwide. DEA's "data-oriented" approach has been widely used
in evaluating the efficiency and productivity of many different kinds of
entities engaged in many different kinds of activities in many different
contexts. DEA opens up possibilities for use in cases which have been resistant
to other approaches because of the complex and often unknown nature of the
relationships between their many activities. In addition, DEA is used to
provide new insights into activities and entities that have previously been
evaluated by other methods.
This Handbook has been developed as a comprehensive reference for researchers,
students and practitioners. It reflects the state-of-the-art in Data Envelopment
Analysis. It also represents a milestone in the progression of a continuously
advancing methodology which has extensive utility. Written by experts - who
are the major research contributors to the topics covered - the Handbook
is organized in three sections. The first section is a comprehensive examination
of the basic DEA models and DEA extensions. The second section consists of
a collection of coverages by persons experienced in applications to the areas
of banking, education, sports, retailing, health care, etc. The final section
is a review of current DEA software technology.
Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Boston, Hardbound, ISBN 1-4020-7797-1, March 2004, 608 pages, EUR 154.00
/ USD 169.00 / GBP 107.00
Pre-publication offer valid until 30 June 2004: EUR 110.00/USD 120.00/GBP
76.00 http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/1-4020-7797-1
The Basic George B. Dantzig
Edited by
Richard W. Cottle, Department of Management Science and Engineering, Stanford
George B. Dantzig, widely known as the father of linear programming, has
been a major influence in mathematics, operations research and economics.
Now professor emeritus at Stanford University, he continues his decades of
research on linear programming and related subjects. Dantzig has been awarded
eight honorary doctorates, the National Medal of Science and the John von
Neumann Theory prize, from the Institute for Operations Research and the
Management Sciences.
The 24 chapters of this volume highlight the amazing breadth and enduring
influence of Dantzig's research. Short, non-technical summaries at the opening
of each part of the book introduce a specific research area and discuss the
current significance of Dantzig's work in that field. Among the topics covered
are mathematical statistics, the Simplex Method of linear programming, economic
modelling, network optimisation and nonlinear programming.
The book also includes a complete bibliography of Dantzig's writings.
Stanford University Press
Cloth, ISBN 0804748349, 2003, 400 pages
Hardcover 49.95 USD
Ruhul Sarker,
ITEE, UNSW@ADFA, Northcott Drive, Canberra 2600, Australia, Email: