Electronic ASOR Bulletin
Volume 24
Number 2-4 June-December 2005
Published by: The Australian Society
for Operations Research Inc.
December 2005 issue:
Mr Brandon
Pincombe has contributed an interesting paper on
Anomaly Detection in Time Series of Graphs
using ARMA Processes.
We are delighted to be publishing this paper
here for Bulletin readers. The 18th ASOR National Conference was held in Perth,
26-28 September 2005. As a national conference, it was a very successful one.
In the conference, one ASOR national medal and two best student paper prizes
were awarded. A detailed report on the national award is provided in this
issue. A brief report on the conference is also presented.
September 2005 issue:
Kalpana Dahiya and Vanita Verma
contributed an interesting technical paper on Post-optimality Analysis in Bounded Variables Problem. We are
delighted to be publishing this paper here for Bulletin readers. The 18th ASOR
National Conference will be held in Perth, 26-28 September 2005. All ASOR
members are encouraged to attend and support the national conference of the
society. On September 22, ASOR Melbourne chapter will organise a student
conference in Melbourne. Both undergraduate and postgraduate OR students are
invited to participate in this unique event by submitting abstracts by 19th
September. The details of these conferences can be found in the Forthcoming
Conferences section of this Bulletin.
June 2005 issue:
Maria John and David Panton have
contributed an interesting short paper on
Novel Divide-and-Conquer Approach to Data Cycle Map Construction
. We are
delighted to be publishing this paper here for Bulletin readers. The 18th ASOR
National Conference will be held in Perth, 26-28 September 2005. The conference
chair has announced to publish a refereed proceedings for all papers accepted for presentation. All
ASOR members are encouraged to contribute to this biggest event of the society
and to take the opportunity of publishing a refereed paper.
I am
pleased to inform you that the electronic version of ASOR Bulletin is available
at the this web site. Although the
electronic version is prepared as an HTML file, for technical reasons articles
may be in PDF or PS format.
There is
always a lack of articles being submitted for publication in the ASOR Bulletin.
As in previous issues, I would again like to request all ASOR members, ASOR
Bulletin readers and OR organizations in the country to contribute to the ASOR
Bulletin. The editorial policy is available either from the web at
http://www.cs.adfa.edu.au/~ruhul/edipolicy.html or from the inside back cover
of the Bulletin. The detailed instructions for preparing the manuscripts is
available in the URL: http://www.cs.adfa.edu.au/~ruhul/asor.html
Address for sending contributions to the ASOR Bulletin:
Ruhul A Sarker
Editor, ASOR Bulletin
School of Information Technology
and Electrical Engineering
The University of NSW at
the Australian Defence Force Academy
Northcott Drive, Canberra
Email: ruhul@cs.adfa.edu.au
Emma Hunt
Associate Editor, ASOR Bulletin
University of Adelaide, Adelaide
Email: emma.hunt@optusnet.com.au
Ruhul Sarker,
ITEE, UNSW@ADFA, Northcott Drive, Canberra 2600, Australia,
Email: r.sarker@adfa.edu.au