New Books for 2002
(Continued from last issue)
Compiled by: Emma Hunt
Stochastic and Global Optimization
Edited by
Gintautas Dzemyda
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius, Lithuania
Vydunas Šaltenis
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius, Lithuania
Antanas Zilinskas
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius, Lithuania
This book is dedicated to the 70th birthday of Professor J. Mockus, whose
scientific interests include theory and applications of global and discrete
optimization, and stochastic programming. The papers for the book were selected
because they relate to these topics and also satisfy the criterion of theoretical
soundness combined with practical applicability. In addition, the methods
for statistical analysis of extremal problems are covered. Although statistical
approach to global and discrete optimization is emphasized, applications
to optimal design and to mathematical finance are also presented. The results
of some subjects (e.g., statistical models based on one-dimensional global
optimization) are summarized and the prospects for new developments are justified.
Audience: Practitioners, graduate students in mathematics, statistics,
computer science and engineering.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht
Hardbound, ISBN 1-4020-0484-2
March 2002 , 248 pp.
EUR 95.00 / USD 87.00 / GBP 60.00
Statistics, Data Analysis, and Decision Modeling,
James R. Evans, University of Cincinnati
David L. Olson, Texas A & M University
For the one semester (or briefer) course in business statistics and quantitative
analysis in the MBA or Executive MBA program.
This text covers the basic concepts of business statistics, data analysis
and management science integrated in a contemporary spreadsheet environment.
The authors emphasize practical applications and business decision-making.
ISBN: 0-13-078383-8
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Copyright: 2003
Format: Cloth Bound w/CD-ROM; 512 pp
Published: 08/06/2002
US: $77.33,4096,0130783838,00.html
Introduction to Simulation and Risk
James R. Evans, University of Cincinnati
David L. Olson, Texas A & M University
For upper-level undergraduate Simulation, Business Administration, and
related disciplines and beginning graduate courses in business administration
and related disciplines.
Providing a hands-on, real-world introduction to the concepts, methodologies,
and applications of simulation in business specifically, this soundly structured
text uses spreadsheets as the principal means to illustrate simulation modeling
concepts, computational issues, and analysis of results - giving students
extensive hands-on experience with minimal frustration. Covering the basic
concepts of simulation, it provides an in-depth study on risk analysis, and
effectively deals with systems simulation, reinforcing basic concepts and
principles at every turn and emphasizing the true value of simulation by
highlighting real applications used in today's businesses at every opportunity.
This text also incorporates Crystal Ball and ProcessModel.
ISBN: 0-13-032928-2
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Format: Cloth; 392 pp
US: $97.33,4096,0130329282,00.html
Handbook of Dynamical Systems
, Volumes 1A & 1B
Edited by
B. Hasselblatt, Tufts University, Department of Mathematics, Medford,
MA 0215-5597 USA
A. Katok, The Pensylvania State University, Department of Mathematics,
University Park, PA 16802-6401, USA
These volumes give a comprehensive survey of dynamics written by specialists
in the various subfields of dynamical systems. The presentation attains coherence
through a major introductory survey by the editors that organizes the entire
subject, and by ample cross-references between individual surveys.
The volumes are a valuable resource for dynamicists seeking to acquaint
themselves with other specialties in the field, and to mathematicians active
in other branches of mathematics who wish to learn about contemporary ideas
and results dynamics. Assuming only general mathematical knowledge the surveys
lead the reader towards the current state of research in dynamics.
ISBN: 0-444-82669-6
1236 pages
Price:USD 180, EUR 180
Handbook of Dynamical Systems
, Volume II
Edited by
B. Fiedler
Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Mathematik I, Berlin, Germany
This handbook is volume II in a series collecting mathematical state-of-the-art
surveys in the field of dynamical systems. Much of this field has developed
from interactions with other areas of science, and this volume shows how
concepts of dynamical systems further the understanding of mathematical issues
that arise in applications. Although modeling issues are addressed, the central
theme is the mathematically rigorous investigation of the resulting differential
equations and their dynamic behavior. However, the authors and editors have
made an effort to ensure readability on a non-technical level for mathematicians
from other fields and for other scientists and engineers.
The eighteen surveys collected here do not aspire to encyclopedic completeness,
but present selected paradigms. The surveys are grouped into those emphasizing
finite-dimensional methods, numerics, topological methods, and partial differential
equations. Application areas include the dynamics of neural networks, fluid
flows, nonlinear optics, and many others.
While the survey articles can be read independently, they deeply share
recurrent themes from dynamical systems. Attractors, bifurcations, center
manifolds, dimension reduction, ergodicity, homoclinicity, hyperbolicity,
invariant and inertial manifolds, normal forms, recurrence, shift dynamics,
stability, to name just a few, are ubiquitous dynamical concepts throughout
the articles.
ISBN: 0-444-50168-1
Elsevier Science, 2002
Hardbound, 1100 pages
Price: USD 180, EUR 180
Advanced Quality Function Deployment
Fiorenzo Franceschini
- Provides comprehensive QFD theory for greater understanding and instruction
- Links QFD with other quality design techniques
- Covers the Analytical Hierarchy Process, the supporting tool of QFD
- Highlights methods for selection of a product's technical features
- Discusses methods to improve the use and effectiveness of QFD
- Illustrates the Qualitometro method for designing and measuring quality
in the service sector
- Includes an application of QFD to industrial training courses
St Lucie Press
List Price: $64.95
ISBN: 1574443216
Number of Pages: 208
Econometric Models in Marketing
Edited by
P.H. Franses
Econometric Institute, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
A.L. Montgomery
Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Included in series
Advances in Econometrics, 16
In the 16th Edition of Advances in Econometrics we present twelve papers
discussing the current interface between Marketing and Econometrics. The
authors are leading scholars in the fields and introduce the latest models
for analysing marketing data. The papers are representative of the types of
problems and methods that are used within the field of marketing. Marketing
focuses on the interaction between the firm and the consumer. Economics encompasses
this interaction as well as many others. Economics, along with psychology
and sociology, provides a theoretical foundation for marketing. Given the
applied nature of marketing research, measurement and quantitative issues
arise frequently. Quantitative marketing tends to rely heavily upon statistics
and econometrics. However, quantitative marketing can place a different emphasis
upon the problem than econometrics, even when using the same techniques. A
basic difference between quantitative marketing research and econometrics
tends to be the pragmatism that is found in many marketing studies. Another
important motivating factor in marketing research is the type of data that
is available. Applied econometrics tends to rely heavily on data collected
by governmental organizations. In contrast marketing often uses data collected
by private firms or marketing research firms. Observational and survey data
are quite similar to those used in econometrics. However, the remaining types
of data, panel and transactional, can look quite different from what may be
familiar to econometricians. The automation and computerization of much of
the sales transaction process leaves an audit trail that results in huge quanitities
of data. A popular area of study is the use of scanner data collected at
the checkout stand using bar code readers. Methods that work for small data
sets may not work well in these larger data sets. In addition, new sources
of data, such as clickstream data from a web site, will offer new challenges.
This volume addresses these and related issues.
Hardbound, Elsevier Science
ISBN: 0-7623-0857-5
304 pages
Price: USD 95 / EUR 95
Integrating Geographic Information Systems
and Agent-Based Modeling: Techniques for Simulating Social and Ecological
H. Randy Gimblett
Associate Professor, School of Renewable Natural Resources, University
of Arizona
For those addressing ecological and natural resource management problems
this volume presents a set of coherent, cross-referenced perspectives on
incorporating the spatial representation and analytical power of GIS with
agent-based modeling of evolutionary and non-linear processes and phenomena.
Many recent advances in software algorithms for incorporating geographic data
in modeling social and ecological behaviors and also the success in applying
such algorithms have not been adequately represented in the present literature.
This book fills that gap and provides much needed information on applications
for the research community as well as those in the management of natural
Price: £52.50 (Hardback)
Oxford University Press, 342 pages, numerous halftones & figures,
234mm x 155mm
Spatial Optimization in Ecological
John Hof and Michael Bevers
U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research
Whether discussing habitat placement for the northern spotted owl or black-tailed
prairie dog or strategies for controlling exotic pests, this book explains
how capturing ecological relationships across a landscape with pragmatic
optimization models can be applied to real world problems. Using linear programming,
Hof and Bevers show how it is possible for the researcher to include many
thousands of choice variables and many thousands of constraints and still
be quite confident of being able to solve the problem in hand with widely
available software. The authors´ emphasis is to preserve optimality
and explore how much ecosystem function can be captured, stressing the solvability
of large problems such as those in real world case studies.
Columbia University Press
520 pages
55 line art, 16 color
ISBN: 0-231-12544-5
$32.50, paper
520 pages
55 line art, 16 color
ISBN: 0-231-12545-3
Modeling and Simulation in Medicine and
the Life Sciences
F. Hoppensteadt
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA
Ch. Peskin
University of New York, NY, USA
The result of lectures given by the authors at New York University, the
University of Utah, and Michigan State University, the material is written
for students who have had only one term of calculus, but it contains material
that can be used in modeling courses in applied mathematics at all levels
through early graduate courses. Numerous exercises are given as well as
solutions to selected exercises, so as to lead readers to discover interesting
extensions of that material. Throughout, illustrations depict physiological
processes, population biology phenomena, corresponding models, and the results
of computer simulations. Topics covered range from population phenomena
to demographics, genetics, epidemics and dispersal; in physiological processes,
including the circulation, gas exchange in the lungs, control of cell volume,
the renal counter-current multiplier mechanism, and muscle mechanics; to
mechanisms of neural control. Each chapter is graded in difficulty, so a
reading of the first parts of each provides an elementary introduction to
the processes and their models.
Springer-Verlag, 2002.
2nd ed. 2002 XIV, 354 pp. 93 figs. Hardcover
EUR 59,95
The New Institutionalism in Strategic
Edited by
P. Ingram
Columbia Business School, New York, NY 10027-6902, USA Email:
B. Silverman
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E6, Canada
Included in series
Advances in Strategic Management, 19
Institutions are the "rules of the game" of economic behavior. They include
the laws of states, the policies of organizations, and even the normative
prescriptions of cultures. In this exciting volume, a diverse and accomplished
group of scholars work to integrate theories of institutions with strategic
management. The research they present examines a wide range of industrial
contexts, ranging from American retailing at the end of the nineteenth century,
to German tax law at the beginning of the twenty-first. Likewise, the chapters
apply a diverse set of methods, including historical analysis, game theory,
experiments, and statistical analysis. These varied research styles make
the overall coherence of the authors' arguments more compelling. The key arguments
go beyond the familiar position that institutions affect economic performance
to describe a reciprocal relationship between institutions and organization
strategy. Indeed, they suggest a broadening of the scope of strategy, to
include efforts to influence the law, to reconfigure organizational boundaries,
and to develop the legitimacy that enables strategies to be effective. Together,
the chapters form an empirical and theoretical foundation for the increasing
inclusion of institutions in strategic management.
Elsevier Science
ISBN: 0-7623-0903-2
372 pages
Price: USD 85 / EUR 85
Mathematical Optimization and Economic
Michael D. Intriligator
Series: Classics in Applied Mathematics Volume 39
Mathematical Optimization and Economic Theory provides a self-contained
introduction to and survey of mathematical programming and control techniques
and their applications to static and dynamic problems in economics, respectively.
It is distinctive in showing the unity of the various approaches to solving
problems of constrained optimization that all stem back directly or indirectly
to the method of Lagrange multipliers. In the 30 years since its initial
publication, there have been many more applications of these mathematical
techniques in economics, as well as some advances in the mathematics of programming
and control. Nevertheless, the basic techniques remain the same today as when
the book was originally published. Thus, it continues to be useful not only
to its original audience of advanced undergraduate and graduate students in
economics, but also to mathematicians and other researchers who are interested
in learning about the applications of the mathematics of optimization to
The book is distinctive in that it covers in some depth both static programming
problems and dynamic control problems of optimization and the techniques
of their solution. It also clearly presents many applications of these techniques
to economics, and it shows why optimization is important for economics. Many
challenging problems for both students and researchers are included.
SIAM, 2002
xx + 508 pages / Softcover / ISBN 0-89871-511-3
Price $49.00 (USD)
Single Facility Location Problems with
K. Klamroth
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Series: Springer Series in Operations Research
This text develops the mathematical implications of barriers to the geometrical
and analytical characteristics of continuous location problems. Theoretic
as well as algorithmic approaches are utilized to overcome the described
difficulties for the solution of location problems with barriers. This book
will appeal to those working in operations research and management science
and mathematicians interested in optimization theory and its applications.
Publisher: Springer Verlag
201 p. 61 illus. Hardcover
Recommended Retail Price: EUR 74.95
Computational Methods in Decision-Making,
Economics and Finance
Edited by
Erricos John Kontoghiorghes
Institut d'Informatique, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Berç Rustem
Dept. of Computing, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London,
Stavros Siokos
Citigroup Corporate and Investment Bank, London, UK
Book Series: APPLIED OPTIMIZATION: Volume 74
Computing has become essential for the modeling, analysis, and optimization
of systems. This book is devoted to algorithms, computational analysis, and
decision models. The chapters are organized in two parts: optimization models
of decisions and models of pricing and equilibria.
Optimization is at the core of rational decision making. Even when the
decision maker has more than one goal or there is significant uncertainty
in the system, optimization provides a rational framework for efficient decisions.
The Markowitz mean-variance formulation is a classical example. The first
part of the book is on recent developments in optimization decision models
for finance and economics. The first four chapters of this part focus directly
on multi-stage problems in finance. Chapters 5-8 involve the use of worst-case
robust analysis. Chapters 9-11 are devoted to portfolio optimization. The
final four chapters are on transportation-inventory with stochastic demand;
optimal investment with CRRA utility; hedging financial contracts; and,
automatic differentiation for computational finance.
The uncertainty associated with prediction and modeling constantly requires
the development of improved methods and models. Similarly, as systems strive
towards equilibria, the characterization and computation of equilibria assists
analysis and prediction. The second part of the book is devoted to recent
research in computational tools and models of equilibria, prediction, and
pricing. The first three chapters of this part consider hedging issues in
finance. Chapters 19-22 consider prediction and modeling methodologies. Chapters
23-26 focus on auctions and equilibria. Volatility models are investigated
in chapters 27-28. The final two chapters investigate risk assessment and
product pricing.
Kluwer Academic Publishers Hardbound, ISBN 1-4020-0839-2
644 pp.
EUR 231.00 / USD 220.00 / GBP 147.00
Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting
Edited by
Cheng-Few Lee
Rutgers University, Janice H. Levin Building, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Included in series
Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting, 10
In this issue, there are thirteen high-quality and interesting papers
to deal with the issue of Financial Analysis, Planning and Forecasting.
Out of these thirteen papers, we can classify them into two major groups
i.e. (a) Risk Analysis and (b) Financial Evaluation Models. In addition to
these two groups there is a paper using survey approach to banking operations
entitled Organizational Features, Operating Procedures, and Overdue Loans:
empirical findings from a Commercial Bank's opinion survey in Taiwan.In summary,
this issue is useful for readers who are interested in risk analysis and
alternative financial evaluation models. In addition to these two groups
there is a paper using survey approach to banking operations entitled Organizational
Features, Operating Procedures, and Overdue Loans: empirical findings from
a Commercial Bank's opinion survey in Taiwan.
Elsevier Science, 2002
ISBN: 0-7623-0826-5
306 pages
Price: USD 87.50 / EUR 87.50
New Vision for Management Education
P. Lorange
International Institute for Management Development, Chemin de Bellerive
23, CH-1001, Lausanne, Switzerland Email:
Many academic institutions, especially business schools, tend to be managed
on an ad hoc basis. Why? Because the leadership may not be fully and formally
equipped to lead, and difficult stakeholder-mix issues often limit its ability
to govern proactively. This book is meant as a guide for making strategic
management a more realistic option for such institutions. It explores the
role of the President/CEO/Dean, and offers examples of effective strategic
direction setting, including the use of modern technology. This volume features
topics such as: a conceptual scheme for setting strategic direction in academic
institutions, specifically business schools; a look at key barriers that
block strategic change initiatives and how institutions can overcome them;
a discussion of the roles of key leaders in the academic institution, including
how these roles can be shaped for more effective implementation; a detailed
description of management approaches that keep the strategic momentum for
academic value creation and change; and an examination of the role of new
technology and how this can strengthen the value creation in business schools.
For senior academic administrators, strategy professors, public policy
administrators and academicians, graduate students in public and private
Elsevier Science
ISBN: 0-08-044034-7
372 pages
Price: USD 75 / EUR 75
Measuring Business Performance Why,
what and how
Andy Neely
Judge Institute of Management Science, University of Cambridge
The fast moving, highly competitive environment companies have to operate
in today has driven the subject of business performance measurement high
up the management agenda. Many of the measures used traditionally are now
criticised for their narrow focus or for encouraging short-termism or for
taking only the past into account, when it is the future that matters. In
Measuring Business Performance Andy Neely looks at why businesses should measure
their performance, what they should measure and how they should do it. In
his wide-ranging review and analysis of the subject, he has produced a book
of great practical use to managers at all levels, which focuses on the three
crucial roles of measurement: to comply, to check, to challenge and
which gives great insight into how different companies around the world are
measuring their performance.
Economist Books
ISBN 186197 055 2
Emerging Optimization Techniques in
Production Planning and Control
Godfrey C Onwubolu
The University of the South Pacific, Fiji
This book proposes a concept of adaptive memory programming (AMP) for
grouping a number of generic optimization techniques used in combinatorial
problems. The same common features seen in the use of memory and a local
search procedure drive these emerging optimization techniques, which include
artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, tabu search and ant systems.
The primary motivation for AMP, therefore, is to group and unify all these
techniques so as to enhance the computational capabilities that they offer
for combinatorial problems encountered in real life in the area of production
planning and control.
The text describes the theoretical aspects of AMP together with relevant
production planning and control applications. It covers the techniques, applications
and algorithms. The book has been written in such a way that it can serve
as an instructional text for students and those who are taking tuition on
their own. The numerical examples given are first solved manually to enhance
the reader's understanding of the material, and that is followed by a description
of the algorithms and computer results. This way, the student can fully
follow the material. The algorithms described for each application are useful
to both students and practitioners in grasping how to implement similar
applications in computer code using emerging optimization techniques.
Imperial College Press
ISBN 1-86094-266-0
US$78 / £53
Handbook of Applied Optimization
Edited by
Panos M. Pardalos
Professor and Director, Center for Applied Optimization, Industrial and
Systems Engineering Department, University of Florida, Gainesville
Mauricio G. C. Resende
Principal Research Scientist, AT&T Laboratories, New Jersey
Optimization is an essential tool in every project in every large-scale
organization, whether in business, industry, engineering, and science. In
recent years, algorithmic advances and software and hardware improvements
have given managers a powerful framework for making key decisions about
everything from production planning to scheduling distribution.
This comprehensive resource brings together in one volume the major advances
in the field. Distinguished contributors focus on the algorithmic and computational
aspects of optimization, particularly the most recent methods for solving
a wide range of decision-making problems. The book is divided into three
main sections: algorithms, covering every type of programming; applications,
where computational tools are put to work solving tasks in planning, production,
distribution, scheduling and other decisions in project management; and software,
a comprehensive introduction to languages and systems. Designed as a practical
resource for proprammers and project planners and managers, it covers optimization
problems in a wide range of settings, from the airline and aerospace industries
to telecommunications, finance, health systems, biomedicine, and engineering.
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Price: £155.00 (Hardback)
Combinatorial and Global Optimization
Edited by
Panos M Pardalos
University of Florida, USA
Athanasios Migdalas
Technical University of Crete, Greece)
Rainer E Burkard
Technical University of Graz, Austria
Combinatorial and global optimization problems appear in a wide range
of applications in operations research, engineering, biological science,
and computer science. In combinatorial optimization and graph theory, many
approaches have been developed that link the discrete universe to the continuous
universe through geometric, analytic, and algebraic techniques. Such techniques
include global optimization formulations, semidefinite programming, and
spectral theory. Recent major successes based on these approaches include
interior point algorithms for linear and discrete problems, the celebrated
Goemans–Williamson relaxation of the maximum cut problem, and the Du–Hwang
solution of the Gilbert–Pollak conjecture. Since integer constraints are
equivalent to nonconvex constraints, the fundamental difference between
classes of optimization problems is not between discrete and continuous
problems but between convex and nonconvex optimization problems. This volume
is a selection of refereed papers based on talks presented at a conference
on "Combinatorial and Global Optimization" held at Crete, Greece.
Publisher: World Scientific Pub. Co.
ISBN 981-02-4802-4
US$84 / £57
Linear and Integer Programming: Theory
and Practice
, 2nd edition
By Ger Sierksma
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Series Volume: 245
This item is part of the Pure and Applied Mathematics series.
Contains software for the interior path method!
This authoritative reference/text combines the theoretical and practical
aspects of linear and integer programming—providing practical case studies
and techniques, including rounding-off, column-generation, game theory, multiobjective
optimization, and goal programming as well as real-world solutions to the
transportation and transshipment problem, project scheduling, decentralization,
and machine scheduling problems.
Presents an extensive number of examples and problem/solution sets and
supplies new and updated appendices, author and subject indexes, and symbol
Thoroughly reorganized throughout to provide enhanced logical and clear
presentation of the topics discussed, Linear and Integer Programming, Second
• offers theory and solutions for in-depth analyses
• covers duality, degeneracy, and multiplicity from
a geometrical viewpoint
• considers branch-and-bound, simplex, revised simplex,
and network simplex techniques
• examines sensitivity analysis
• details the Gilmore–Gomory and Bender decomposition
• highlights the interior path version of Karmarkar’s
• examines mixed-integer programming and the theory
of logical variables
• demonstrates the theory of totally unimodular and
network matrices
• outlines linear algebra, convexity, and graph theory
• displays flow diagrams for composing courses
With nearly 1000 equations, Linear and Integer Programming, Second Edition
is an essential reference for applied mathematicians, operations researchers,
computer scientists, economists, and industrial engineers and an invaluable
text for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in these disciplines.
Marcel Dekker, 2002.
Textbook | Print Published: 10/01/2001
Hard Cover | 632 pages | Illustrated
Print ISBN: 0-8247-0673-0 World Price: $175.00
An Introduction to Management Science
Bernard W. Taylor, III
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
This widely adopted text presents an accessible introduction to the techniques
and applications of management science. It is designed to make the subject
easy to understand, interesting and accessible for students with limited
mathematical background or skills. The author focuses on management science
not only as a collection of techniques and processes, but as a philosophy
and method for approaching problems in a logical manner, and includes spreadsheets
with solutions in every chapter.
ISBN: 0-13-033190-2
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Copyright: 2002
Format: Cloth; 784 pp
Price: US: $115.00,4096,0130331902,00.html
Optimization Software Class Libraries
Edited by
Stefan Voß
Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig, Germany
David L. Woodruff
Graduate School of Management, University of California at Davis, USA
Stefan Voß and David Woodruff have edited a carefully refereed volume
by experts on optimization software class libraries. The book focuses on
flexible and powerful collections of computational objects for addressing
complex optimization problems. These component class libraries are suitable
for use in the increasing number of optimization applications that stand alone
or are imbedded in advanced planning, engineering, and bioinformatics applications.
Most researchers today use a number of modeling language software packages
and a number of software solvers to solve computational problems. This book
outlines packaged software class libraries to enable researchers to find
cost-effective and efficient methods of getting problems coded into the computer,
or into a modeling language package or into optimizing solvers - hence providing
software coding solutions to whatever specialized needs a specific problem
might require.
Optimization Software Class Libraries provides the reader with a rich
overview of the variety of components for framing problems. With the growing
number of application-specific software systems and advance planning methods
for specific classes of problems, class libraries for optimization are increasingly
useful, practical, and needed. Benefits of Optimization Software Class Libraries
• Researchers will be able to invest more effort in
examining better algorithms, performing experiments, and making use of problem-specific
• The libraries that encapsulate general-purpose algorithms
as reusable, high-quality software components are themselves significant
contributions to ongoing research; and
• In addition to the research benefits, the libraries
described provide substantial practical value to organizations that adopt
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston
Hardbound, ISBN 1-4020-7002-0
376 pp.
EUR 148.00 / USD 135.00 / GBP 93.00
Advances in Qualitative Organization
, Volume 4
Edited by
J.A. Wagner III
Eli Board Graduate School of Management, Michigan State University, East
Lansing, MI 48824-1121, USA Email:
J.M. Bartunek
The Wallace E Carroll School of Management, Boston College, Chestnut Hill,
MA 02167-3808, USA Email:
K.D. Elsbach
Graduate School of Management, University of California, Davis, CA 95616-8609,
USA Email:
Included in series
Advances in Qualitative Organization Research, 4
Advances in Qualitative Organization Research is an annual series devoted
to the publication of qualitative research relevant to the interests of organizational
scholars. As used to define the domain of AQOR, qualitative research encompasses
all forms of field research performed with qualitative data, that is, data
that present themselves in non-numeric form. Such research may be conducted
using methods that are qualitative or a combination of qualitative and quantitative,
with the aim of developing a thick description and grounded understanding
of the focus of inquiry. Articles appearing in AQOR may concern topics derived
from any of the organization sciences, including but not limited to the
areas of Organizational Behaviour, Organization Theory, Strategic Management,
Human Resource Management, and Organization Development.
AQOR is intended to appeal to a broad audience of organizational researchers,
including those who are interested in publishing detailed qualitative studies
of their own and in learning more about the methods and methodologies of
qualitative research. At the same time, purely quantitative organizational
researchers should find AQOR valuable as a source of grounded insights and
testable hypotheses. The need for an annual series like AQOR grows out of
the absence of a periodic outlet offering the physical space per manuscript
required to write a meaningfully deep description of qualitative data and,
at the same time, a sufficiently detailed theoretical interpretation and conceptual
Publisher: Elsevier Science
ISBN: 0-7623-0902-4
240 pages
Price: USD 86 / EUR 86