Compiled by
Emma Hunt
Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering
Paul Glasserman
Springer-Verlag Book Series: Applications of Mathematics (Volume 53)
Monte Carlo simulation has become an essential tool in the pricing of derivative
securities and in risk management. These applications have, in turn, simulated
research into new Monte Carlo methods and renewed interest in some older techniques.
This book develops the use of Monte Carlo methods in finance, and it also
uses simulation as a vehicle for presenting models and ideas from financial
engineering. It dives toughly into three parts. The first part develops the
fundamentals of Monte Carlo methods, the foundation of derivatives pricing,
and the implementation of several of the most important models used in financial
engineering. The next part describes techniques for improving simulation accuracy
and efficiency. The final third of the book addresses special topics: estimating
price sensitivities, valuing American options and measuring market risk and
credit risk in financial portfolios.
The book is aimed at graduate students in financial engineering, researchers
in Monte Carlo simulation and practitioners implementing models in industry.
Springer-Verlag, Hardcover, ISBN 0-387-00451-3, 2003, XIII, 596 pages 99
illustrations 69.95 USD,10735,4-40109-22-9775644-0,00.html
Quantitative Methods in Project Management
John C. Goodpasture
This is a practitioner’s book, combining theoretical and practical applications
for project professionals. It is a loosely coupled work flow that takes PM’s
through the most important quantitative methods, integrates them, and shows
interrelationships that cannot be obtained by separate readings. These practical
methods can be applied easily by project practitioners who are not steeped
in theory and need to know how to make everyday use of numerical analysis
in projects. This book also covers financial and life cycle risk as well as
risk for the project itself and contains unique extensions to earned value
and project initiation. This book will be of particular interest to project
managers, program managers, project administrators, system engineers, cost
and risk estimators, as well as continuing education and seminar providers.
J. Ross Publishing, Hardcover, ISBN: 1-932159-15-0, December 2003, 6 x 9,
288 Pages, USD 64.95
Introduction to Operations Research
8th Edition
Frederick Hillier, Stanford University Gerald J. Lieberman (deceased)
The 8th edition of Introduction to Operations Research remains the classic
operations research text while incorporating a wealth of state-of-the-art,
user-friendly software and more coverage of business applications than ever
before. The hallmark features of this edition include clear and comprehensive
coverage of fundamentals, an extensive set of interesting problems and cases,
and state-of-the-practice operations research software used in conjunction
with examples from the text. This edition will also feature the latest developments
in OR, such as metaheuristics, simulation, and spreadsheet modelling.
New to this edition:
New textbook material includes: a chapter on metaheuristics; and sections
on constraint programming, multiechelon inventory models for supply chain
management, and spreadsheet modeling. Expanded coverage of spreadsheets. The
8th edition now features a CD and web-only chapter on "The Art of Modeling
with Spreadsheets" and textbook sections on "Formulating and Solving Linear
Programming Models on a Spreadsheet," "Performing Sensitivity Analysis on
a Spreadsheet," "Using Spreadsheets to Perform Sensitivity Analysis on Decision
Trees," and "Performing Simulations on Spreadsheets."
Each book comes with a CD-ROM containing the aforementioned software in
addition to bonus chapters [including Crystal Ball, The Art of Modeling with
Spreadsheets, among others], sections, over twenty additional cases, and
more examples. Bonus chapters and cases can also be found on the book's Online
Learning Center. A list of chapter-specific learning aids available on the
CD-ROM is provided at the end of each chapter.
This edition has been trimmed down to a more appropriate size for an introductory
textbook by shifting little-used material to the CD-ROM.
A new test bank featuring moderately challenging questions and complete
solutions is being provided to instructors on the password-protected portion
of the book's Online Learning Center.
McGraw-Hill Higher Education Hardcover with access card, ISBN 0-07-301779-5,
July 2004
Project Selection Under Uncertainty: Dynamically
Allocating Resources to Maximize Value
Stylianos Kavadias, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
Christoph H. Loch, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France
Kluwer Book Series: International Series in Operations Research and
Management Science (Volume 69)
Project Selection Under Uncertainty is the result of a five-year research
program on the selection of projects in New Product Development (NPD). Choosing
the New Product Development portfolio is of critical importance in today's
business environment. The NPD portfolio has considerable strategic effect
on the "middle term" success of a business.
This book takes a step in developing a theory that addresses the need for
quantitative prioritisation criteria within the broader strategic context
of the R&D portfolios. Its foundation lies in mathematical theory of resource-constrained
optimisation with the goal to maximize quantitative returns. The book seeks
to broaden the portfolio discussion in two ways. First, simplified models
- appropriate for the data-poor NPD context - are developed, which attempt
to illuminate the structure of the choice problem and robust qualitative
rules of thumb, rather than detailed algorithmic decision support. Such robust
rules can be applied in the R&D environment of poor data availability.
Second, the annual portfolio review is not the only important choice in resource
allocation. In addition, the book discusses how ideas might be pre-screened
as they emerge, and how projects should be prioritized once they are funded
and ongoing.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Hardbound, ISBN 1-4020-7703-3, January
2004, 160 pages, EUR 88.00 / USD 98.00 / GBP 61.00
Decision Modelling and Information Systems: The
Information Value Chain
Nikitas-Spiros Koutsoukis, CARISMA: Centre for the Analysis of Risk and
Optimisation Modelling Applications, Mathematical Sciences and Economics
and Finance, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK
Gautam Mitra, CARISMA: Centre for the Analysis of Risk and Optimisation
Modelling Applications, Mathematical Sciences and Economics and Finance,
Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK
Kluwer Book Series: Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces
(Volume 26)
In Decision Modelling And Information Systems: The Information Value Chain
the authors explain the interrelationships between the decision support, decision
modelling, and information systems. The authors borrow from Porter's value
chain concept originally set out in the organizational context and apply
it to a corporate IS context. Thus data, information and knowledge is seen
to be the progressive value-added process leading to business intelligence.
The book captures key issues that are of central interest to decision support
researchers, professionals, and students. The book sets out an interdisciplinary
and contemporary view of Decision Support System (DSS).
The first two parts of the book focus on the interdisciplinary decision
support framework, in which mathematical programming (optimisation) is taken
as the inference engine. The role of business analytics and its relationship
with recent developments in organisational theory, decision modelling, information
systems and information technology are considered in depth. Part three of
the book includes a carefully chosen selection of invited contributions from
internationally-known researchers. These contributions are thought-provoking
and cover key decision modelling and information systems issues.
The final part of the book covers contemporary developments in the related
area of business intelligence considered within an organisational context.
The topics cover computing delivered across the web, management decision-making,
and socio-economic challenges that lie ahead. It is now well accepted that
globalisation and the impact of digital economy are profound; and the role
of e-business and the delivery of decision models (business analytics) across
the net lead to a challenging business environment. In this dynamic setting,
decision support is one of the few interdisciplinary frameworks that can be
rapidly adopted and deployed to so that businesses can survive and prosper
by meeting these new challenges.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Hardbound, ISBN 1-4020-7560-X, September
2003, 384 pages, EUR 122.00 / USD 135.00 / GBP 84.00
A First Course in Combinatorial Optimization
By Jon Lee
Jon Lee focuses on key mathematical ideas leading to useful models and algorithms,
rather than on data structures and implementation details, in this introductory
graduate-level text for students of operations research, mathematics, and
computer science. The viewpoint is polyhedral, and Lee also uses matroids
as a unifying idea. Topics include linear and integer programming, polytopes,
matroids and matroid optimization, shortest paths, and network flows. Problems
and exercises are included throughout as well as references for further study.
Cambridge University Press, Paperback, ISBN 0521010128, February 2004, 228
pages, 32.00 USD
Community Operational Research: OR and Systems
Thinking for Community Development
Edited by
Gerald Midgley, Institute of Environmental Sciences and Research (ESR
Ltd.), Christchurch, New Zealand and Centre for Systems Studies, Business
School, University of Hull, UK
Alejandro Ochoa-Arias, Universidad de Los Andes, Merida, Venezuela
Kluwer Book Series: Contemporary Systems Thinking
This book sets out the current concerns of community operational research
and explores new possibilities for its development. Leading community OR writers
with international reputations in operational research and systems, have
contributed chapters that illuminate different aspects of community OR theory
and practice.
Following an introductory chapter by the editors on community OR, the book
is presented in four sections:
Section one presents the history and development of community OR and people's
motivations for engaging in it. Methodological issues are also discussed.
Section two covers local action for community development. Even though the
emphasis is on dealing with local issues, all the authors use methods and
techniques to support widely informed decision-making. In every case, the
impacts of a complex variety of phenomena are taken into account.
Section three is entitled "Dealing Locally with Global Issues." Here, the
themes of community development are taken one stage further, and include authors
who are explicitly seeking to address global issues (e.g. environmental problems
and the international dimensions of poverty) through widely informed local
Finally, Section four, "The Politics of Systemic Intervention," discusses
two themes: the political nature of community OR practice and the value of
systems thinking to community development.
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, Hardbound, ISBN 0-306-48335-1, April
2004, 400 pages, EUR 82.00 / USD 90.00 / GBP 56.00
Constraint and Integer Programming: Toward
a Unified Methodology
Edited by
Michela Milano, Università di Bologna, Italy
Kluwer Book Series: Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces
(Volume 27)
Despite differing origins, constraint programming and mathematical programming
are beginning to merge. Constraint programming has grown out of the logic
programming community as part of an effort to embed constraints in a programming
language. Mathematical programming, a much older field, is rooted in the mathematics
of optimisation. Because these two areas have complementary strengths, there
are ongoing efforts to integrate the two. Constraint and Integer Programming
presents some of the basic ideas of constraint programming and mathematical
programming, explores approaches to integration, brings us up to date on heuristic
methods, and attempts to discern future directions in this fast-moving field.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Hardbound, ISBN1-4020-7583-9, November
2003, 403 pages, EUR 117.00 / USD 130.00 / GBP 81.00
Grid Resource Management: State of the Art
and Future Trends
Edited by
Jarek Nabrzyski, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poland
Jennifer M. Schopf, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National
Laboratory, IL, USA
Jan Weglarz, Poznań University of Technology, Poland
Kluwer Book Series: International Series in Operations Research and
Management Science (Volume 64)
Grid Resource Management: State of the Art and Future Trends presents an
overview of the state of the field and describes both the real experiences
and the current research available today. Grid computing is a rapidly developing
and changing field, involving the shared and coordinated use of dynamic, multi-institutional
resources. Grid resource management is the process of identifying requirements,
matching resources to applications, allocating those resources, and scheduling
and monitoring grid resources over time in order to run grid applications
as efficiently as possible. While grids have become almost commonplace, the
use of good grid resource management tools is far from ubiquitous because
of the many open issues of the field, including the multiple layers of schedulers,
the lack of control over resources, the fact that resources are shared, and
that users and administrators have conflicting performance goals. These are
the issues addressed in this book, in addition to elucidating the overlap
with related areas including discussions of work with peer-to-peer computing,
economic approaches, and operations research.
Grid Resource Management: State of the Art and Future Trends is an invaluable
resource for today's user, application developer, or resource owners when
working with grid resource management systems.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Hardbound, ISBN 1-4020-7575-8, October
2003, 150 pages, EUR 144.00 / USD 160.00 / GBP 99.00
Data Envelopment Analysis: Theory and Techniques
for Economics and Operations Research
Subhash C Ray
This book describes the method of data envelopment analysis that uses mathematical
programming techniques to obtain measures of efficiency of individual forms
from their observed input and output quantities. The method permits setting
up realistic input-output targets for the firm's managers. A firm is considered
to be technically inefficient when it fails to yield the maximum quantity
of output producible from the input bundle it uses. Measurement of technical
efficiency is important for performance evaluation and provides an objective
basis for differential rewards in the context of production.
Cambridge University Press, Hardcover, ISBN: 0521802563, April 30, 2004,
268 pages, USD 75.00
Handbook of Operations Research and Health Care
Edited by
François Sainfort, School of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA
Margaret L. Brandeau, Dept. of Management Science and Engineering, Stanford
University, CA, USA
William P. Pierskalla, University of California at Los Angeles, USA
Kluwer Book Series: International Series in Operations research and Management
Science (Volume 70)
The decision technologies, tools and theories of operations research and
management sciences have long been applied to a wide range of issues and problems
within health care. To date, however, there has been no single handbook that
synthesises the wide applicability of such techniques. The "Handbook of Operations
Research and Health Care" now makes available to practitioners, students
and researchers a comprehensive handbook volume that will help them improve
their ability to apply these decision technologies. In addition, the handbook
will present new state-of-the-art techniques, explore new issues and challenges,
and examine new aven ues for research.
This handbook will fill these needs in a three-fold approach:
1. It reviews health care systems (in the U.S., other developed countries,
and developing countries), their structure, environment and evolution. It
reviews key issues, problems and challenges experienced today and to be expected
in the future.
2. It synthesises decision technology applications published in the last
10 years. It describes which health care delivery issues, problems and challenges
were addressed in the past, while highlighting areas for future operations
research/management science work in health care.
3. It provides a comprehensive series of state-of-the-art applications —
each of which are written by a leading authority — detailing the problem area,
the methodology (or methodologies) employed, the implementation, the results
and the issues/avenues raised for future research.
The handbook will serve a large multidisciplinary audience that includes:
decision technology practitioners, students, scientists and researchers with
interest (either new interest or existing expertise) in health care, practitioners
in health sciences, health administration, public health, health care delivery
and health policy.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Hardbound, ISBN 1-4020-7629-0, March 2004, 650
pages, EUR 159.00 / USD 174.00 / GBP 108.00
Pre-publication offer valid until 30 June 2004: EUR 108.00/USD 120.00/GBP
Distributed Decision Making
, Second
Christoph Schneeweiss
Distributed decision making has become of increasing importance in quantitative
decision analysis. In applications like supply chain management, service operations
or managerial accounting, DDM has led to a paradigm shift. This book provides
a unified approach to such seemingly diverse fields as multi-level stochastic
programming, hierarchical production planning, principal agent theory, negotiations
and contract theory. Different settings like multi-level one-person decision
problems, multi-person antagonistic planning and leadership situations are
covered. Numerous examples and real-life planning cases illustrate the concepts.
The new edition has been considerably expanded by additional chapters on
supply chain management, service operations and multi-agent systems.
Springer-Verlag, Hardcover, ISBN: 3-540-40201-2, 2nd ed., 2003, XVI, 528
pages, 120 illustrations, USD 119,10735,4-40109-22-2662413-0,00.html
New Efficiency Theory: With Applications
of Data Envelopment Analysis
Jati K. Sengupta
New efficiency theory refers to the various parametric and semi-parametric
methods of estimating production and cost frontiers, which include data envelopment
analysis (DEA) with its diverse applications to management science and operations
research. This monograph develops and generalises the new efficiency theory
by highlighting the interface between economic theory and operations research.
Some of the features of the monograph include: 1) integrating the theory
of firm efficiency and industry equilibrium, 2) emphasising growth of efficiency
in a dynamic setting, 3) incorporating uncertainty of market demand and prices,
4) the implications of group efficiency by sharing investments. Applications
discuss in some detail the growth and decline of the U.S. computer industry,
and the relative performance of mutual fund portfolios.
Springer-Verlag, Hardcover, ISBN: 3-540-14013-1, 2003, VIII, 176 pages,
23 illustrations, 89.95 USD,10735,4-40109-22-2323902-0,00.html