Compiled by
Emma Hunt
Operations Research Proceedings 2003:
Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research
(OR 2003) Heidelberg, September 3-5, 2003
Edited by D. Ahr, R. Fahrion, M. Oswald and G. Reinelt
Springer-Verlag Series: Operations Research Proceedings, Conference
This proceedings volume contains a selection of papers presented at the
International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2003). The contributions
cover the broad interdisciplinary spectrum of Operations Research and present
recent advances in theory, development of methods, and applications in practice.
Subjects covered are Revenue Management, Telecommunication, Information
Technology, Production, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Services, Transportation,
Traffic, Scheduling, Project Management, Marketing, Data Analysis, Energy,
Environment, Health, Finance, Banking, Insurances, Simulation, Continuous
Optimisation, Discrete and Combinatorial Optimisation, Applied Probability,
Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, Econometrics, Statistics,
Mathematical Economics, Decision Theory, Experimental Economics, Game Theory,
Auctioning, Web Technology, Knowledge Management and Decision Support Systems.
Softcover, ISBN: 3-540-21445-3 2004, XVI, 490 pages. 137 illustrations,
51 tables, 99.95 EUR,11855,5-40109-22-29751010-0,00.html
Airline Operations and Scheduling
By Massoud Bazargan
Operations research techniques are extremely important tools for planning
airline operations. However much of the technical literature on airline
optimisation models is highly specialised and accessible only to a limited
audience. Allied to this there is a growing concern among the operations
research community that the materials offered in OR courses at MBA or senior
undergraduate business level are too abstract, outdated, and at times irrelevant
to today's fast and dynamic airline industry.
This book demystifies the operations and scheduling environment, presenting
simplified and easy to understand models, applied to straightforward and
practical examples. After introducing the key issues confronting operations
and scheduling within airlines, it goes on to provide an objective review
of the various optimisation models adopted in practice. Each model provides
airlines with efficient solutions to a range of scenarios, and is accompanied
by case studies similar to those experienced by commercial airlines. Using
unique source material, and combining interviews with alumni working at operations
and scheduling departments of various airlines, this solution orientated
approach has been used on courses with outstanding feedback.
The book is structured to maximise its course teaching potential. Used
on MBA courses with students grouped into small teams, it requires students
to assume the role of operation managers, responsible for creating their
own airlines, selecting routes and flight networks, considering fleet diversity,
aircraft routings and maintenance locations, and examining hub and spoke
systems, air/ground crew scheduling, and gate assignments.
Hardcover, ISBN: 075463616X September 30, 2004, 205 pages, 89.95
Smoothing, Forecasting and Prediction of Discrete
Time Series
By Robert Goodell Brown
(Rerelease of the classic 1963 edition)
Computer application techniques are applied to routine short-term forecasting
and prediction in this classic of operations research. The text begins with
a consideration of data sources and sampling intervals, progressing to discussions
of time series models and probability models. An extensive overview of smoothing
techniques surveys the mathematical techniques for periodically raising
the estimates of coefficients in forecasting problems. Sections on forecasting
and error measurement and analysis are followed by an exploration of alternatives
and the applications of the forecast to specific problems, and a treatment
of the handling of systems design problems ranges from observed data to
decision rules.
Dover Publications
Hardcover, ISBN 0486495922 / 0486495922
May 2004, 480 pages, 75.00 USD
Does This Line Ever Move? Everyday Applications
of Operations Research
By Kenneth Chelst and Tom Edwards
Since 1996, the INFORMS Public Awareness Committee (PAC) has extended the
distinctly O.R. approach to mathematics education from the university down
to the high school level by developing teacher instruction modules that
provide materials for instructors and students. The materials emphasise
the practical and the accessible, with examples that relate to the lives
of high school students who are beginning to enter the workplace, drive
a car and apply to college.
Working with successive PAC chairs Frank Trippi, Jack Pettit and Dave Goldsman,
INFORMS veteran Kenneth Chelst of the Wayne State University Department
of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering has collaborated with his colleague
Tom Edwards of Wayne State's College of Education and advisory panels of
high school teachers to write 12 modules, the most recent of which, Collision
Insurance, Automobile Accidents, and Trees: Making a Decision With Impact,
has just been released online.
Now Chelst and Edwards have created a book-sized version of the modules
in a handy format. Does This Line Ever Move? Everyday Applications of Operations
Research offers 10 accessible units based on the first 10 modules developed
for INFORMS. Chelst and Edwards teach standard second-year high school algebra
topics, including linear programming, rational functions and statistics.
And they introduce students to O.R. topics such as optimisation, networking
theory, queueing theory and multi-attribute decision-making.
More information about Collision Insurance, Automobile Accidents, and Trees
and Does This Line Ever Move? is available at the INFORMS PAC Web site,
Key Curriculum Press
Paperback, ISBN: 155953673X December, 2004, 144 pages, 26.95 USD
Management Science: Decision-Making Through Systems
By Hans Daellenbach and Donald McNickle
Written for a wide range of mathematical abilities, this comprehensive,
accessible overview emphasises the conceptual aspects of decision-making rather
than mathematical techniques or computer methods. Structured around a clear
framework, the text first builds up the basic ideas of systems and shows
how hard OR incorporates these concepts into its modelling process. It also
incorporates important real-world aspects such as time, decision-making over
time, constraints, uncertainty and multiple objectives into this framework,
and shows how conflicts and ambiguities of world views lead to fundamental
changes in the aims and models of decision-making approaches.
Palgrave Macmillan, Paperback, ISBN: 1403941742 January 15, 2005,
608 pages, 55.00 USD
Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: State of
the Art Surveys
Edited by Jose Figueira, Salvatore Greco and Matthias Ehrgott
Springer-Verlag Series: International Series in Operations Research and
Management Science (Volume 78)
Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: State of the Art Surveys is the most
comprehensive work available to survey the state of the art in MCDA to date.
Its 25 chapters are organised in eight parts and are written by 52 international
leading experts. Each of these parts covers one of the central streams of
multiple criteria decision analysis literature. These literature streams
are: MCDA today, Foundations of MCDA, Our Ranking Methods, Multiattribute
Utility Theory, Non-Classical MCDA Approaches, Multiobjective Mathematical
Programming, Applications, and MCDM Software.
The handbook presents the most up-to-date discussions on well-established
methodologies and theories in the field, while systematically surveying
emerging fields in MCDA such as conjoint measurement, fuzzy preferences,
fuzzy integrals, rough sets, etc. Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: State
of the Art Surveys is a valuable reference volume (more than 2000 references)
for the field of decision analysis. It provides graduate students, researchers,
and practitioners with a sweeping survey of MCDA theory, methodologies,
and applications. It is a handbook that is particularly suitable for use
in seminars in Decision Analysis, Decision Support, and Decision Theory.
Hardcover, ISBN 0-387-23067-X 2004, XXVI, 1048 pages, 149.95 EUR,11855,5-40109-22-34954528-0,00.html
An Annotated Timeline of Operations Research:
An Informal History
By Saul I. Gass and Arjang A. Assad
Springer-Verlag Series: International Series in Operations Research and
Management Science (Volume 75)
An Annotated Timeline of Operations Research: An Informal History recounts
the evolution of Operations Research as a new science - the science of decision
making. Arising from the urgent operational issues of World War II, the
philosophy and methodology of OR has permeated the resolution of decision
problems in business, industry, and government. The Timeline chronicles
the history of OR in the form of self-contained, expository entries. Each
entry presents a concise explanation of the events and people under discussion,
and provides key sources where further relevant information can be obtained.
In addition, books and papers that have influenced the development of OR
or helped to educate the first generations of OR academics and practitioners
are cited throughout the book. Starting in 1564 with seminal ideas that form
the precursors of OR, the Timeline traces the key ideas and events of OR
through 2004.
The Timeline should interest anyone involved in OR - researchers, practitioners,
academics, and, especially, students - who wish to learn how OR came into
being. Further, the scope and expository style of the Timeline should make
it of value to the general reader interested in the development of science
and technology in the last half of the twentieth century.
- The U.S. World War II OR analyst assigned to the 8th Air force in England
who later became a Supreme Court justice;
- Who first solved the general n-point facility location problem when he
was 16 years old?
- Why did the economist T.C. Koopmans give away a third of his 1975 Nobel
prize in economics?
- Who wrote the first book on OR methods in 1946 and why was it not published
until 1951?
Springer-Verlag, Hardcover, ISBN: 1-4020-8112-X November 2004,
232 pages
Softcover, ISBN: 1-4020-8116-2 (2005)
79.95 EUR (Hardcover), 29.95 EUR (Softcover),11855,5-40109-22-34977926-0,00.html
The Next Wave in Computing, Optimization, and
Decision Technologies
Edited by Bruce L. Golden, S. Raghavan, and Edward A. Wasil
Springer-Verlag Series: Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces
(Volume 29)
Computer Science and Operations Research continue to have a synergistic
relationship and this book represents the results of the cross-fertilisation
between OR/MS and CS/AI. It is this interface of OR/CS that makes possible
advances that could not have been achieved in isolation. Taken collectively,
these articles are indicative of the state of the art in the interface between
OR/MS and CS/AI and of the high-calibre research being conducted by members
of the INFORMS Computing Society.
Hardcover, ISBN 0-387-23528-0 2005, X, 396 pages, 86 illustrations,
93 tables, 119.95 EUR,11855,5-40109-22-35140574-0,00.html
Tutorials on Emerging Methodologies and Applications
in Operations Research
Presented at INFORMS 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA
Edited By Harvey J. Greenberg
Springer-Verlag Series: International Series in Operations Research and
Management Science (Volume 76)
The primary purpose of Tutorials on Emerging Methodologies and Applications
in Operations Research is to provide a reference for practitioners and academics
who seek a clear, concise presentation of developing methodologies, hence
providing themselves with the capability to apply these methods to new problems.
The field of Operations Research is always changing. Its changes are driven
by the technology it uses and that it extends, and the applications that
it affects. Relevant changes in the field have a permanent effect on the
conduct of OR and are vital to anyone who wants to be current in the field.
Each chapter presents a new developing methodology in Operations Research.
Each chapter examines each topic with clarity and depth, and organises the
examination around the following questions: (1) What the developing methodology
basically is about? (2) Why is it important? and (3) Where can I learn more?
Hardcover, ISBN: 0-387-22826-8, 2004, XVIII, 342 pages, 119.95 EUR,11855,5-40109-22-34955579-0,00.html
The Sharpest Cut: The Impact of Manfred Padberg
and His Work
Edited by Martin Grötschel
The Sharpest Cut is written in honour of Manfred Padberg, who has
made fundamental contributions to both the theoretical and computational sides
of integer programming and combinatorial optimisation. This outstanding collection
presents recent results in these areas that are closely connected to Padberg's
research. His deep commitment to the geometrical approach to combinatorial
optimisation can be felt throughout this volume; his search for increasingly
better and computationally efficient cutting planes gave rise to its title.
The peer-reviewed papers contained here are based on invited lectures given
at a workshop to celebrate Padberg's 60th birthday. Grouped by topic (packing,
stable sets and perfect graphs; polyhedral combinatorics; general polytopes;
semidefinite programming; computation), many of the papers set out to solve
challenges set forth in Padberg's work. The book also shows how Padberg's
ideas on cutting planes have influenced modern commercial optimisation software.
In addition, the volume contains a short curriculum vitae, a personal account
of Padberg's work by Laurence Wolsey and an appendix with reflections from
Egon Balas, Claude Berge and Harold Kuhn.
Hardcover, ISBN 0898715520 June 2004, 392 pages, 99.00 USD
The Practice of Supply Chain Management: Where
Theory and Application Converge
Edited by Terry P. Harrison, Hau L. Lee and John J. Neale
Springer-Verlag Series: International Series in Operations Research
and Management Science
The text provides an overview of the supply chain management practice-research
cycle. For over a decade, there has been an increasing interest in
the use of supply chain methods to improve performance across the entire
business enterprise. Numerous industries have recognised the importance of
efficient supply chain integration, and, as a result, supply chain management
has become a standard part of business practice. The Practice of Supply Chain
Management: Where Theory and Application Converge is a must-have volume for
users of supply chain management methods, supply chain management researchers,
and students in supply chain management. The objective of the book is to
provide an overview of this important practice-research cycle, and it is
organised into three sections: Core Concepts and Practices; Emerging Supply
Chain Practices; and Supply Chain in Action. The focus of the book is on
supply chain practice, but supply chain practice that has been heavily influenced
by supply chain research. It is this synergy between research and practice
that continues to simulate new directions for research.
Paperback, ISBN: 0387240993 January 4, 2005, 358 pages
Stochastic Linear Programming Models, Theory,
and Computation
By Peter Kall and Janos Mayer
Springer-Verlag Series: International Series in Operations Research
and Management Science (Volume 80)
Peter Kall and János Mayer are distinguished scholars and professors
of Operations Research and their research interest is particularly devoted
to the area of stochastic optimisation. Stochastic Linear Programming: Models,
Theory, and Computation is a definitive presentation and discussion of the
theoretical properties of the models, the conceptual algorithmic approaches,
and the computational issues relating to the implementation of these methods
to solve problems that are stochastic in nature. The application area of
stochastic programming includes portfolio analysis, financial optimisation,
energy problems, random yields in manufacturing, risk analysis, etc. In this
book, models in financial optimisation and risk analysis are discussed as
examples, including solution methods and their implementation.
Stochastic programming is a fast developing area of optimisation and mathematical
programming. Numerous papers and conference volumes, and several monographs
have been published in the area; however, the Kall and Mayer book will be
particularly useful in presenting solution methods including their solid
theoretical basis and their computational issues, based in many cases on
implementations by the authors. The book is also suitable for advanced courses
in stochastic optimisation.
Hardcover, ISBN 0387233857, 2005, 398 pages. 32 illustrations, 69.95 EUR,11855,5-40109-22-39144510-0,00.html