Electronic ASOR Bulletin
Volume 22
Number 3
September 2003
Published by: The Australian Society for Operations
Research Inc.
ISSN 1446-6678
In this issue, two technical papers have been published:
the first on A Markov-based Method for Military Analysis by A. H. Pincombe
and B. M. Pincombe and the second on A Modified Osman’s Simulated Annealing
and Tabu Search Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem by C. Sigauke
and H. M. Talukder. In this issue, we have also published a brief report
on ASOR annual general meeting 2003 and ASOR’s statement of income and expenditure
for the years 2000 and 2001 along with the independent auditor’s report.
I am pleased to inform you that the electronic version
of ASOR Bulletin is now available at this web site. Although the electronic version is prepared as an HTML file,
for technical reasons articles may be in PDF or PS format.
Address for sending contributions to the ASOR Bulletin:
Ruhul A Sarker
Editor, ASOR Bulletin
School of Information Technology and
Electrical Engineering
The University of NSW at the Australian
Defence Force Academy
Northcott Drive, Canberra 2600
Email: ruhul@cs.adfa.edu.au
Emma Hunt
Associate Editor, ASOR Bulletin
DSTO, PO Box 1500
Edinburgh 5111
Email: Emma.Hunt@dsto.defence.gov.au
A Markov-based Method for Military Analysis
A. H. Pincombe* and B. M. Pincombe**
*Land Operations Division, Defence Science and Technology Organisation,
PO Box 1500, Edinburgh SA 5111, Australia.
**Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Division, Defence
Science and Technology Organisation, PO Box 1500, Edinburgh SA 5111, Australia.
In the operations analysis of military engagements, an important task is
the establishment of connections between low-level (detailed) variables and
high-level outcomes, to estimate the values of various capabilities in defined
scenarios. We define a family of Markov decision processes to provide bounds
for these values, using standard military analysis methodology to simplify
the problem and to reduce the number of Markov states that are required. The
parameters that define the Markov transition matrix can be represented as
analytical functions of lower-order variables, while the time dependence of
the state probabilities can be obtained, from the Markov analysis, as a set
of functions. Cases can be compared via costs, which represent losses and
are thus indicative of the force size required for victory.
A Modified Osman’s Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search Algorithm for
the Vehicle Routing Problem
Caston Sigaukea* and Habib M. Talukderb**
*Department of Applied Mathematics, **Department of Applied Physics,
National University of Science and Technology P.O. Box AC 939 Ascot Bulawayo
The basic vehicle routing problem is concerned with finding
a set of routes for a fleet of vehicles which have to service a specified
number of retail outlets from a central depot. A vehicle is allowed a maximum
of two trips a day. In our analysis a vehicle delivers and collects empty
containers. For the empty containers to be collected in a specified route
total volume should not exceed the vehicle capacity. Similarly, the total
quantity demanded on that route should not exceed the vehicle capacity.
Our objective is to design a set of least cost vehicle routes for a given
set of customer requirements.
Local News
Annual General Meeting
10th July 2003
Chairman’s Report:
• Simon reported that general feedback implied that
the decision to hold the National Conference within ICIAM was a good one
and there had been a benefit in the interchange of ideas and opportunity
to attend talks in related disciplines. As an occasional activity this
was excellent but to avoid loss of identity we should not do this on a
regular basis.
• He reminded members that the next APORS conference
will be held in New Delhi on Dec 8-11 2003. Members were encouraged
to check details on the web at www.apors2003.com and encouraged to attend.
• The next meeting of IFORS will be in Hawai on July
11-15 2005. There will be a call for the ASOR representative
paper next year.
Financial Report:
• The audited accounts for 2001 as attached were accepted
on the motion of Patrick Tobin seconded Kaye Marion.
• Kaye reported that society is currently operating
at a small annual surplus and is recovering from the deficit state of a
few years ago. Consequently at present there is no need to change annual
capitation. It should be noted that there were no meeting expenses
in 2001 and an ASOR paper for the IFORS conference was not selected.
The accounts for 2002 show a similar result as for 2001 but had not been audited
at the time of the meeting due to a delay in receiving a request for the
IFORS capitation.
• Moved Kaye Marion Seconded Patrick Tobin That K
Adams be appointed as the Auditor for ASOR National Accounts
Publications report:
• Emma tabled a document prepared by Ruhul Sarker
summarizing the number of copies distributed to each chapter and the associated
cost. The problem that Ruhul had with the printing of Dec 2002 bulletin
when a modified cover was necessary and the need to use a commercial printer
for the March 2003 (at a much higher cost) appears to now be resolved and
he anticipates being able to print internally at a very competitive rate.
The restructuring of departments within ADFA now appears to have stabilized
and he believes that internal administrative support is once more in place.
• The problem of maintaining an accurate data-base
remains and all chapters are requested to provide current mailing addresses
to Ruhul.
• Members are encouraged to provide papers for the
refereed section and topical information for the general section of the
• The concept of changing to electronic publication
was discussed and general support for such a move was expressed.
Some members present indicated that they would prefer a paper copy.
Other business:
• There was a request that presentations from the
conference be collected and made available on the web. Simon undertook
to explore options and seek to make information available. All papers
from the defence stream would be on the web but on a secure site, so some
arrangement for transfer would have to be made.
• The next national conference will be in 2005 and
subject to confirmation will be held in Perth.
• It was suggested that the Society should examine
its age profile and develop a strategy to try and offset the perceived aging
Meeting closed at 6:15pm
ASOR Audit Report
The Chinese Higher Education
Strategic Initiative Grant
The Chinese Higher Education Strategic Initiative (CHESI) was recently
announced by the Australian Government. The funding will enable Australian
Universities to take part in a new Australian Government research program
between Australia and China.
Eight Australian Universities were selected by application to take part
in the program and they were awarded $585,000.
Among recipients were the University of Ballarat and Curtin University.
CIAO (Centre for Applied Optimisation, University of Ballarat) and WACEIO
(Western Australian Centre of Excellence in Industrial Optimisation, Curtin
University) received $161,000 for their joint project "Complex Industrial
Optimization - Mathematical Modelling". The project involves cooperation
with 8 leading Chinese institutions in the area of optimisation (Beijing
University, University of Science and Technology of China, Shanghai University,
Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing), Fudan University, Chongqing Normal
University and Hebei University). Some researchers and PhD students from
Australia will visit China and 16 researchers and PhD students from China
will visit Australia through one of the schemes: China-Ballarat-Perth-China
or China-Perth-Ballarat-China. Some of these visits will be undertaken in
December 2004, during the next ICOTA conference, which will be held in Ballarat.
An Australian-Chinese optimization workshop will also be held in 2004.
- Alex Rubinov
The ANZIAM Mathematics-in-Industry
Study Groups are going to New Zealand
By arrangement with ANZIAM (Australia New Zealand Industrial and Applied
Mathematics, which is a Division of the Australian Mathematical Society
but embraces both countries), the ANZIAM Mathematics-in-Industry Study Group
(MISG), which has operated in Australia since 1984, is shifting to New Zealand
for 2004 and 2005. The goals of MISG are to reach out to industry (interpreted
very broadly to include biological, medical and financial applications,
as well as the traditional engineering-based ones) to show them the power
of mathematics when it is applied to their particular problems. Through
the holding of MISG meetings, academic mathematicians find out about real
applications, and many postgraduate projects in Industrial Mathematics arise
through MISG involvement. Following the formation of the Centre for
Mathematics in Industry (CMI) within the Institute of Information and Mathematical
Science (IIMS) at Massey University's Albany campus, it has been recommended
that the MISG's in 2004 and 2005 be organised from there, using a network
of collaborating institutions throughout the country. Principal arrangements
are now being made by Professor Robert McKibbin (Head of IIMS) and Professor
Graeme Wake (Adjunct Professor of Industrial Mathematics within CMI).
Graeme Wake has been nominated as Director of MISG and is now devoting
half his time to this initiative. It is intended that the Centre
will continue this kind of industry-linkage after the MISG (ANZIAM) returns
to Australia in 2006.
MISG 2004 will be held at the University of Auckland (City campus),
26 – 30 January 2004
Further information from Graeme Wake g.c.wake@massey.ac.nz
Forthcoming Conferences
Conferences in Australasia
38th Annual ORSNZ Conference
21st – 22nd November 2003
The 38th Annual ORSNZ Conference will take place on the 21st and 22nd
November 2003 at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.
The organising committee welcomes papers from researchers and research
students on all aspects of Operations Research. In addition to papers
of general interest, submissions that have a practical focus are particularly
The submission deadline for abstracts is 30 September 2003. Full,
accepted papers are due by 31 October 2003.
For further information and submission details visit: www.orsnz.org.nz
or email conference@orsnz.org.nz
CEC 2003: Congress on Evolutionary
Computation, Canberra,
Australia, December 8-12, 2003
The Congress on Evolutionary Computation, co-sponsored by the IEEE Neural
Networks Society, the Evolutionary Programming Society, the IEAUst, and
the IEE, is the leading international conference in the field. The
2003 Congress will be held in Canberra, Australia.
It covers all topics in evolutionary computation: from combinatorial
to numerical optimization, from supervised to unsupervised learning, from
co-evolution to collective behaviours, from evolutionary design to evolvable
hardware, from molecular to quantum computing, from ant colony to artificial
ecology, etc.
The emphasis of the Congress will be on original theories and novel
applications of evolutionary computation techniques. The Congress welcomes
paper submissions from researchers, practitioners, and students worldwide.
The Congress will feature keynote speeches and tutorials by world-leading
researchers. It also will include a number of special sessions and workshops
on the latest hot topics.
For further details please visit the conference website.
6th Australian Conference on Knowledge
Management and Intelligent Decision Support
, Monash University,
Melbourne, December 11-12, 2003.
This year the conference theme is: "Managing Knowledge with Technology"
Important dates:
Paper Submission (5000 words maximum): 22 August 2003
Notification of Acceptance: 22 September 2003
Submission of camera ready paper: 13 October 2003
The conference intends to explore the role of ICT in knowledge management
and in particular open the discussion on if and/or how innovative application
of ICT can contribute to implementing knowledge management strategies.
Authors are invited to submit research papers as well as application
examples representing original, previously unpublished work.
Review Procedures: All submitted papers will be blind peer reviewed
by at least two members of the International Program Committee. The review
criteria are based on originality, rigor, and relevance of content. No paper,
which has been previously accepted, published, or presented at another meeting,
or submitted for review else where may be submitted. Accepted papers will
appear as a monograph with an ISBN number and published by Australian Scholars
Full details including submission formats available at:
ICOTA 2004: Sixth International
Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications
, Ballarat, Victoria, December 9 - 11, 2004.
The Fifth Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering
and Management Systems Conference & The Seventh Asia-Pacific Division
Meeting of the International Foundation of Production Research
, ANA Hotel, Gold Coast, Australia, December 12-15, 2004
Forthcoming International Conferences
OR2003: Operations Research
Heidelberg, Germany, September 2-5, 2003.
ESA2003: 11th Annual European Symposium
on Algorithms
Budapest, Hungary, September 15-20, 2003.
EUROGEN 2003: Evolutionary Methods
for Design, Optimisation and Control with Applications to Industrial and
Societal Problems
, Barcelona, Spain, September 15-17,2003.
6th International Conference on Operations Research, Havana, Cuba, September
15-19, 2003.
ORP3: Operational Research Peripatetic
Postgraduate Programme – A EURO conference for young OR researchers
, Lambrecht, Germany, September 21-26, 2003.
OPTIMA 2003: Fifth Chilean Operations
Research Conference
, Valparaiso, Chile, September 24-26,
Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra
and Optimization
, GuiLin, China, October 7-10, 2003.
MI03: SIAM Conference on Mathematics
for Industry
, Toronto, Canada, October 13-15, 2003.
INOC2003: International Network Optimization
, Evry / Paris, France, October 27-29, 2003.
COCOS 2003: Second International Workshop
on Global Constrained Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction
, Switzerland, November 18-21, 2003.
APORS2003: Sixth International Conference
of Asia Pacific Operations Research Societies (APORS) within IFORS
, New Delhi, India, December 8-10, 2003.
FSTTCS ’03: 23rd Conference on Foundations
of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
, Bombay, India, December 15-17, 2003
HICSS-37: Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences
, Hawaii, January 5-8, 2004.
International Conference on Multiscale
Optimization Methods and Applications
, Gainesville, Florida,
USA, February 26 - 28,2004.
NFORMS: Seventh INFORMS Telecommunications
: Florida, USA, March 7-10, 2004.
1st International Andean Conference on
Operations Research
, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, March
15-19, 2004.
The 33rd International Conference on Computers
and Industrial Engineering
, Jeju, Korea, March 25-27,
EUCCO 2004: European Conference on Computational
, Dresden, Germany, March 29-31, 2004.
OIPE2004: 8th International Workshop on
Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electrical Engineering
, Grenoble, France, September 6-8, 2004.
MUDSM 2004: 15th Mini-EURO Conference,
Managing Uncertainty in Decision Support Models
, Coimbra,
Portugal, September 22-24, 2004.
10th International Conference on Stochastic
, Tucson, Arizona, USA, October 9-15, 2004.
Ruhul Sarker,
ITEE, UNSW@ADFA, Northcott Drive, Canberra 2600, Australia, Email: ruhul@cs.adfa.edu.au