Electronic ASOR Bulletin
Volume 25
Number 1-4
March-December 2006
Published by: The Australian Society
for Operations Research Inc.
December 2006 issue: In this issue, M.-T. Nguyen and A. Gill
have contributed a techinical paper on
Mathematical Programming Approach to Defence Logistics Funding
. We are
delighted to be publishing this paper here for Bulletin readers. We like to
dedicate this issue to the memory of Professor Alex Rubinov (1940-2006). We
have also provided a short biograpgy of Prof. Rubinov in this issue.
September 2006 issue:
In this issue, Manisha Pal and Sanjoy
Kumar Ghosh have contributed a techinical paper on
An Inventory Model With Shortage and Quantity Dependent Permissible
Delay In Payment
. We are delighted to be publishing this paper here for
Bulletin readers. INFORMS journals with their editorial mission are also briefly
introduced in this issue.
June 2006 issue: In this issue, Mr. Marcus A. Butavicius
has contributed a techinical paper on
and predicting the performance of an identification face recognition system in
an operational setting
We are delighted to be publishing this
paper here for Bulletin readers.
March 2006 issue: In the 18th ASOR National Conference,
held in Perth during 26-28 September 2005, two best student paper prizes were
awarded. One of these two papers was submitted by Mr. Mark Grigoleit on
Applying Lagrangian Relaxation to the Submarine Transit Problem.
We are delighted to be publishing this paper
here for Bulletin readers. In this issue, we also report the successful OR and
Optimisation related ARC Discovery projects for 2006 round.
There is
always a lack of articles being submitted for publication in the ASOR Bulletin.
As in previous issues, I would again like to request all ASOR members, ASOR
Bulletin readers and OR organizations in the country to contribute to the ASOR
Bulletin. The editorial policy is available either from this web site
or from the inside back cover
of the Bulletin.
Address for sending contributions to the ASOR Bulletin:
Ruhul A Sarker
Editor, ASOR Bulletin
School of Information Technology
and Electrical Engineering
The University of NSW at
the Australian Defence Force Academy
Northcott Drive, Canberra
Email: ruhul@cs.adfa.edu.au
Emma Hunt
Associate Editor, ASOR Bulletin
University of Adelaide, Adelaide
Email: emma.hunt@optusnet.com.au
Ruhul Sarker,
ITEE, UNSW@ADFA, Northcott Drive, Canberra 2600, Australia,
Email: r.sarker@adfa.edu.au